I like your use of the passage in 1 Peter which states that we should always be prepared with answers because we will often be questioned about our faith if we share it, whether it by by someone wanting to learn more or by someone who disagrees. Might it be helpful to add just how we can be prepared when we have no way of knowing what questions others may pose? In Christian Apologetics (2006), Powell states: "we must equip ourselves with the facts, evidence, and arguments for Christianity" (p. 24). We equip ourselves by studying the Bible for ourselves, whether that be in a group or on our own. I enjoy and get much from my pastor's sermons, but he has encouraged us not to take his word for what the Bible says but encourages us to read and…
Background: The history of apologetics in Christianity Origins Apologetics is the defense of Christianity with the help of sacred books, with the data of science and philosophy, with the provisions of jurisprudence against criticism and actions by those in power. Apologetics is always in the circle of ideas and ideas of the century. It is designed to expose pseudoscientific and philosophical attacks on Christianity and to promote the mastery of religious ideas by new scientific discoveries,…
The purpose of this paper is to look at the subject of Christian apologetics in the life of Christians today. This paper will also cover the offence to Christian apologetics in the world. The other point that will be made is that all Christians are involved in apologetics in one form or another and becoming more aware of that fact will help the Christian to be more effective in that area. Before we can look at how apologetics plays a role in a Christians life we must know what apologetics is…
If a Christian cannot walk away from salvation, how does this not eliminate an individuals right of free will? Free will exists for a purpose. For us to "choose who we will serve", if you will. If we say that a Christian cannot decide to leave salvation, then the negation of free will must come with it. That, in turn, could negate the love of God. Could it not be said, then, that, "The inability to walk away from salvation indicates a less loving God than does the ability to do just the same"?…
humanity that ever lived. Jesus Christ recognized the root of our problem, by living a human life. The will of Christ was similar to other leading figures in history. The Savior of man came to the very place that all people are in sin. He did not rationally want to come to the cross. His will was reduced from the will of God for Him, just like all of humanity. In this way, Jesus was just like other important people in history. However, He was more than that. Distinct from humanity, Jesus always…
We are not called to make converts, not to teach apologetics to large crowds exclusively, not to entertain the masses. Davis is right to emphasize that “coaching beats playing” and that our “long-term success is determined more by your work on the sidelines than by your spectacular plays as a speaker in front of a group.” How true! May we never become the type of apologist without time to counsel our young, to spend time with them in everyday life. Discipleship only happens as we spend time…
a Canadian-American Christian apologist who defends the traditional evangelicalism. Famous for his writings and an author of many books, Zacharias’ book, Can Man Live Without God?, has won a Gold Medallion Book Award in the theology and doctrine category. His best sellers include Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver. He is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking. Regularly…
believe Christians often operate under two misconceptions concerning evangelism and apologetics. First, they mistakenly believe apologetics and evangelism is a discipline only carried out by trained professional like pastors, seminary grads, or those who have studied in some apologetic program. But when we search the Scriptures, we see that both apologetics, defending the Faith, and evangelism, proclaiming the Gospel message, are disciplines all Christians must be prepared to carry out in their…
From Controversy to Apologetics: A Chronological Overview of Eastern Christian Writings against Islam from the Rise of Islam until the Third/Ninth Century By the middle of the ninth century, the Christian-Muslim polemic had reached the epitome of its sophistication and intellectualism, one which became the sanctioned apparatus for apologetics. Although Islam had come into existence a century earlier, it quickly developed a systematised theology that adopted early on opinions about other…
The destiny of the unevangelized is an apologetic problem because it can be used as an objection to God’s existence. It seems as though an all-loving God would desire that all people be saved, and that this would require Him to provide all people with the opportunity to be saved. Christians argue that salvation requires hearing and faithfully responding to the Gospel, yet some never get the opportunity to do so. This would suggest that either God doesn’t desire all to be saved, which seems…