After attending class and participating in the discussion on multilingualism and multiculturalism, I am more aware of the difficulties multilingual and multicultural students face. The Five Tricks card game we played in class really opened my eyes to what these students experience. During the card game, I became frustrated and agitated with those around me because I thought they did not learn to play the game correctly. It was important for me to play by the rules, because my family and I get into card games at home, and we take them very seriously. I found myself frustrated because I could not correct my peers when they made a mistake. I was also agitated because I believed they did not pay attention to the rules in order to learn the…
The Leadership Qualities of Ender Wiggin Ender’s Game by Orson Card has been a popular science fiction novel for the past three decades. Since its inception the book has claimed two highly respected awards. In addition it has even become a highly recommended reading material for several military education facilities for new officers. This novel highlights four basic qualities that make up the basis of a good commanding officer. The first quality needed for a leader to succeed is gaining the…
Violence is a behavior that involves physical abuse, intended to hurt or cause damage to others. Many people use violence because it is in the nature of humanity, and it is something that is released when people feel anger. The novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, has a drastic amount of violence throughout most of the novel. Children are trained at a battle school to defeat an alien race that caused damage to humanity in the past. It is shocking to adults that such a book is claimed to be a…
The book that I am reading is called ENDER’S GAME from Orson Scott Card. This book is about an alien species attacking earth many years ago and the human race is trying to stop them from attacking again. There is something called battle camp where they recruit intelligent kids. They use them for training by controlling fleets of spaceships (in the game) and army into war to wipe out the aliens planet. There are different armies ranked on level of how many wins did they have in the arena. There…
What would happen if an alien species attacked Earth 50 years ago, and we managed to fight them off temporarily? The book “Ender’s Game,” by Orson Scott Card, describes exactly that. The story is about a boy named Ender in those times, and one of the most significant decisions that he makes throughout the book is agreeing to train in battle school because he would protect Valentine, get away from Peter, and he was literally born for it. The book starts out when Ender is 6 years old, and he…
Like a little girl mimicking her mother at the vanity table, the movie adaptation of Ender’s Game, written by Orson Scott Card, resembled its predecessor but paid minimal homage to the beloved novel, despite its fancy dresses woven with exquisite graphics and its faint perfumes of action and intensity. By focusing on the general events at Battle School and Command School, the film left out the specific details of Ender’s training experience. Although the movie included essential scenes from the…
Orson Scott Card’s definition of an outsider conveys an idea that outsiders can see things more clearly and are important to everyone around them. He compliments their stronger sense of self compared to the rest of people in society. Card mentions how an outsider has a unique perspective than everyone else and that great heroic deeds are made by outsiders because of this unique perspective. While there is a notion that outsiders are not important, it is clear that outsiders are necessary in…
The Card Game One evening, on a cold rainy night. I sat at my grandparents kitchen table. I stared into my grandpa’s glossy green eyes as I knew I was about to win this game of crazy 8’s. All of the sudden he dropped his cards on the table, stood up, and started to walk around. I called out to him asking where he was going, he did not answer. I started to follow him, when he abruptly stopped at the front door of his newly built house. I glanced at him and noticed he was just staring off into…
Activity/Experience context: A. Discover the verbs and rhyming words in the text: For student to gain understanding the meaning of the verbs and extend their knowledge about rhymes. Reinforce students learning by rhyme games and worksheet exercise. 1. Pointing to the words and read the story with class. Ask student to act the verbs out when the read through them. 2. On the board, compare the pairs of words that are used to describe Mr McGee 's movements, discuss the similarity and difference…
food we eat, books we read, news we consume, social media we use, social issues we concern our self with, and global issues we choose to spotlight. The games our children play and how they play them continue to change based on current trends. Currently, Pokémon Go, one of the biggest and wildly popular mobile game in U.S history is increasingly consuming cellular data of millions of smartphone users. (Robbie, 2016) With Pokémon Go’s evolution from the popular card game version of the early…