everyone else around him. In Burmese Days, when thinking about his fellow Englishmen’s culture during a conversation with Dr. Veraswami, John Flory thinks to himself, “Dull boozing witless porkers! Was it possible that they could go on week after week, year after year, repeating word for word the same evil-minded drivel, like a parody of a fifth-rate story in Blackwood’s? Would none of them ever think of anything new to say?” (33). This shows that he is disgusted with, and tired of hearing about, the British…
his role as an Imperialist subject of the Crown and his reverence for Burmese culture. Upon entering the club, Flory engages in the banter between Ellis and the other Englishmen in deriding the insolent natives and reminiscing about the glory days of the British Raj, yet he is quickly disgusted by their subhuman characterization of the “Orientals” and leaves.6 After Flory’s departure, Ellis recognizes Flory’s sympathy toward the Burmese and dubs him a “niggers’ pal” and furthermore labels him…
To begin, with have you ever seen a Burmese Python? Well some people have them as a pet. How irrational is that. But what really is going on is debauched. Pythons are destroying the Everglades in Florida. But how are they are to solve this problem though. Can the people of Florida get this conflict, solve or not. How are they going to do it? Let’s found out by reading the sources. First of all, Burmese Pythons are magnificent and authoritative animals in the world today. The enormity of these…
The purpose of this research that is discussed in the article is to elaborate on the effects the Burmese python could have on the surrounding environments. An introduction of invasive species to a new land is one of the main factors that can negatively affect the environment. The Burmese python is negatively affecting the Everglades National park by decreasing many of the mammal populations. The scientists’ experiment is supposed to support the conclusion of how the Burmese python is affecting…
The Burmese Python, which is an invasive species that rules the Everglades National Park, is extremely dangerous. According to Tarshis, “full grown pythons are the kings and queens of the Everglades” because they eat so much (8). These invaders cause so much pain and destruction. There were bird lovers in Hawaii, and they wanted the rats to go away from the fields. “The bird lovers ordered 73 Indian Mongooses from Jamaica. The plan that they hoped mongooses would help the rat population,…
Have you ever went face to face with the Western Diamondback rattlesnake. Well this snake has the size that’ll cross your eyes, its heat sensing pit will make you throw a fit, it lives in places that’ll make you make strange faces. This snake has a maximum size of 7 ft. It also has precautions that can detect animals. They also hunt for homes. Do you know the actual body type/size of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Well for one thing sure they are heavy bodied snakes. The common size of…
If you were a sports fan in Hartford the day of my birth you had probably traveled to Dell Rapids the night before to see the West Central Boys basketball team. The Trojans, who defeated the Quarriers 76-68, were lead by Tucker Hansen, who had 23 points (“West Central 76, Dell Rapids 68” 4C). Also from around the Sioux Empire the police were searching for the driver of a truck that hit a pedestrian. The driver of truck hit a man from behind on 31st Street North and between Cliff and Van Eps…
In the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, loneliness is a key theme. There comes a point in the novel where Dr. Frankenstein has to make a decision: to either make his creature an equal woman companion or to refuse his protégé and face the dire consequences. At this point, Frankenstein is knowledgeable that his creation is the murderer of his brother (and indirectly caused the execution of his family friend Justine). He sees just exactly the problems that his creation has caused and how much…
Service learning can be a rewarding experience for both participated and the person who uses the volunteer. This was my first time experiencing an actual volunteering assignment outside of my field of interest. The experience allowed me to utilize multiple talents that I had. The experiences I have opened my time to be involved in are not the types of activities I’m normally not interested in. In order to get my service learning volunteer hours I had to go for three days at two different…
Specialized daycares for disabled children Day-care plays a key role in the upbringing of a child. Disabled children should have their own specialized day-cares in order to get the full care needed. Many parents of disabled children face several challenges with finding a safe and welcoming day-care for their child. Quite a few day-cares and child services have difficulties dealing with a child with a disability due to the extra care and attention needed for the child. A child should never be…