BERMUDA COLLEGE Bladder Cancer Research Medical Surgical Nursing Mrs. Renee Faulcon Terri Tear - 221404 3/10/2017 Outline I. Introduction a. What is bladder cancer? b. Systems/Organs Affected c. Types of Bladder Cancer II. Factors/Signs a. Statistics b. Risk Factors c. Clinical Manifestations III. Treatments a. Diagnosis b. Medical Treatments c. Alternative / Complementary Treatments IV. After Treatment a. Follow-Up b. Coping V. Conclusion Bladder Cancer happens when the cells of the urinary bladder begin to grow in a state that is uncontrollable in the lining of the bladder. The bladder has many different layers but most times bladder cancer tends to start in the innermost lining called the urothelium or transitional…
7 Things You Didn't Know about Bladder Cancer written by: sanjose Bladder cancer is characterized by the growth of an abnormal tissue in the lining of your urinary bladder. It starts when the cells in your urinary bladder start growing uncontrollably. As the cancer cells start developing, they might take the shape of a tumor and spread to other parts of your body. As the cancer eventually grows through the layers of your bladder walls, it becomes advanced and more difficult to treat. If not…
Bladder Cancer is a group of cells that are not controlled by other cells. Bladder Cancer destroys other cells and white blood cells cannot stop them because they are still the cells of the same body. Cancer has the ability of invading other cells and also reproducing quickly. They take some cells that are controlled and make them into cancer cells to invade the body even more. It also spreads around the body and can stop bone marrow from making blood cells. Without blood cells, the body would…
cancer if the persons’ family has a history of bladder cancer or any type of cancer. There are factors that decrease the risk of bladder cancer. Being active, giving birth, having menopause later in life, a higher fruit and vegetable intake and someone that has Parkinson’s disease has a lower risk of bladder cancer. Researchers do not know exactly what causes bladder cancer. Changes in DNA or in normal cells can cause cancer. When normal cancer cells have a mutation it makes cells grow…
Bladder Cancer is one of many types of cancer that can occur in the human body. Cancer is basicly the uncontrollable growth of cells, without the ability to stop growing. Bladder Cancer is a type of cancer that begins in your bladder. Bladder Cancer cells usually begin within the cells that line the inside of your bladder. This cancer easily preventable and can affect you depending on your lifestyle. This cancer isn't very common as it affects less than two hundred thousand people per year.…
01 Background, Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathology Background: Bladder cancer is a common malignancy in the world. It ranks ninth in worldwide cancer incidence and it is the seventh common malignancy in male. It is the second most common malignancy of the genitourinary tract worldwide in male after prostate cancer. It affects men more than women in a ratio of 3 - 4:1 (1, 2). In Africa bladder cancer is ranked as eighth common malignancy in male (3) while in Tanzania, it is…
Does Coffee impact the risk of developing certain cancers? Article #1: Coffee Consumption and bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies Coffee consumption and bladder cancer have controversial results on whether or not they are related. This article informs that coffee may, or may not have an effect on the risk of developing bladder cancer. Bladder Cancer is known to be the most frequent cancer among the urinary tract. There has been research that shows that coffee intake has a…
What is bladder cancer? Bladder cancer is a disease in which malignant cells forms in the tissues of the bladder wall. The bladder is the organ that stores urine.1 What causes bladder cancer? Scientists do not completely understand the causes of bladder cancer; however, there are some risk factors associated with its occurrence like: • Age (the risk of bladder cancer increases with age. About nine out of 10 people with bladder cancer are older than 65);2 • Smoking (smoking greatly increases the…
not always mean bladder cancer; often it is caused by an infection, or benign tumors, stones in the kidney or bladder, and other benign kidney. A bladder infection is often caused by a bacterial infection within the bladder. In people with weakened immune systems, yeast could also cause bladder infections. Bacteria might sometimes attach to the walls of the bladder and multiply. Most bladder infections are caused by Escherichia coli present in the large intestines. Bacteria from the stool could…
grandma is one of the most important people in my life I wouldn’t know what to do without her. She comes to my concerts, school events, and sporting events. My grandma, Bonnie was diagnosed with bladder cancer three different times. It broke my heart and I didn’t know what to do. From this event, I learned to never take people for granted and love them while they are here. The first time she was diagnosed I was so shocked I knew this stuff happened, but I never thought it would happen to her…