Kidneys- The kidneys function to filter both toxins and additional not needed water. Kidneys have tons of nephrons which are tiny filters. A nephron is made up of two parts which are the glomerulus and the tubule. The glomerulus filters large molecules and blood cells from liquids and toxins. Then the filtered liquids and toxins go to the tubules. The tubule filters out more toxins missed from the glomerulus. It also gathers minerals and releases them back into the bloodstream. During the filtering in the glomerulus and tubule, the kidneys make urine. The urine will carry the toxins out of the body. The kidneys also make the hormones, erythropoietin, renin, and vitamin D. These hormones help to make red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, and maintain bone health. Bladder-…
Kidney Cancer 1) What is Kidney: The kidneys- bean shaped, fist sized soldiers in the lower abdomen, play the key role in urinary system of the human body. Vital functions of kidneys being cleansing of blood, removal of excess water an thus producing urine. The fatty tissues and Gerota's fascia- a fibrous tissue protectively enclose the kidney and the adrenal gland. What is Cancer?: When new cells do not form when needed and old cells do not die when they should, then this deformity in the…
in the Kidney What is a kidney stone you might ask? Well, a kidney stone is a hard object made up of many crystals that forms in the kidneys. Kidney stones may block the urinary tract and cause severe pain. My dad has had kidney stones twice in his life before and suffered a lot through it. One in ten people will most likely have kidney stones in their lifetime. Clearly, kidney stones are very painful for the people that have it and may have severe effects from it. The first time my dad felt…
Increase Kidney Procurement: Compensate for Live Donors and Invest in Education Kidney shortage has become a serious and urgent problem. The shortage of kidneys and prohibition of kidney trade have led to the kidney black market. As the black market grows, the question for whether kidney donations should be compensated has become controversial among people from different fields. Some people, especially bioethicists and religious scholars, are against compensation of kidney donations because it…
indicates that these people only have 10-15 percent of their original kidney function still in tact according to the National Kidney Foundation (2015). Participating in the black market sales is another…
You wince at the pain. You cry at the ache. You tremble at the torture. No, you are not pregnant (thank goodness guys!) but you are suffering from kidney stones. Did you know that women report kidney stone pain to be more torturous than childbirth? Can you say, "OUCH?" But you are suffering for NO reason! And almost one in every 20 people will develop a kidney stone sometime in their life. And if the pain is not the worst part, you can actually be part of the millions who spend thousands of…
Here I would like to briefly explain the causes renal failure . Pre-renal kidney injury is caused by hypo perfusion of the kidneys caused by volume depletion and renal artery stenosis( Cheung, Talbot , 2008) Intrinsic kidney injury involves structural damage to glomerulus, vessels, or kidney tubules which can be by prolonged pre- renal causes leading to cell necrosis by ischemia or by infectious agents and toxins that result in inflammation or injury . (ADIS International Ltd, 2009;Cheunget al…
Kidney: Major Functions ✓ C-ontrols electrolyte and fluid balance ✓ R-egulates homeostasis of blood and acid-base balance ✓ R-egulates RBC production ✓ E-liminates end products of metabolism, ✓ S-ecretes renin, parathyroid hormones and Vitamin D [pic] The Kidney: Nephron • Functional unit of the kidney that produces urine by filtration Blood Supply of the Kidney • Renal artery- branch of the abdominal aorta • Renal vein- drains into the inferior…
According to Grossman and Porth (2014), burns cause fluid loss from the vascular space, interstitial space, and intracellular space. The fluid loss, especially in those with large surface area burns, can cause hypovolemic shock quickly, which can cause hypoperfusion of organs and ultimately multiple organ dysfunction, such as renal failure. Fluids can help reduce the risk of kidney damage. The provider should supportively explain these concepts of fluid loss, hypovolemic shock, and the…
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as a decrease in kidney function occurring in the glomerular filtration ability of the kidney causing an increase in nitrogenous waste in the blood and in turn increasing the creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels (McCance & Huether, 2014). Other findings associated with AKI include, a decrease in urinary output and also accumulation of metabolic acids, and increased potassium and phosphate concentrations (Bellomo, Kellum & Ronco, 2012). The AKI is…