Introduction The Distillery District is a heritage building community located to the east of the downtown core in Toronto. Gooderham and Worts founded the site as a distillery in 1832, and by the 1860s, it was the largest distillery in the world. The deindustrialization of neighbouring areas subsequently resulted in the closure of all remaining distillery operations by 1990. By 2003, the Distillery District was transformed into a pedestrian oriented area, allowing for a dynamic public space where the arts, shopping, dining, and events could be enjoyed by various people. The Distillery District is in close proximity to the Canary District, the Old Town of Toronto and the St. Lawrence Market, and the Lower Don Lands Waterfront (refer to appendix 17). The neighbourhood of the Distillery District is a mix of commercial and residential, with condominiums flanking the outer edges of the public space. The Distillery District is located within Ward 77, Waterfront Communities, of Toronto. As of the 2011 demographic research, the population of 43,361 in this ward and around the Distillery District is shown as primarily in their working age of 25-54, at 68%, and 86% of the population’s home language is English. The overwhelming private dwelling type at 93% is apartments over five stories; it is clear that in this area, highrise buildings are the popular development choice. A strong majority of the private household living arrangements are couples without children, at 66%. 76% of…
Essay Regent Park is a neighbourhood in Toronto where recent immigrants go to live. It is right beside Cabbage Town, which is ironic because Regent Park is a poor area, and Cabbage Town has houses that are the second most expensive in Canada. Regent Park is a community that the city of Toronto wants to revitalize because it has many old building and structures and because it is a very poor community. Revitalization leads to urban renewal, which refers to building new infrastructure such…
In the winter of 1777 to 1778, Commander George Washington brought his troops to set up camps at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 18 miles northwest of General William Howe and his British troops. Should I re-enlist or not re-enlist? I have decided to not re-enlist because I would be starving, I would be cold, and I could die of sickness. On December 19 of 1777, a week before Christmas, the first job of the men was to build log “huts” for the men to sleep which only held twelve soldiers. Would you…
Reasons for selection Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner, written in 1980, tells the story of a boy, living with his grandfather, who must find a way to save his grandfather’s farm from the tax collector. Gardiner tells this story of a boy, set in Wyoming, where sled dogs were common and $500 was enough for a farmer to lose his farm. The idea for the story was originally heard by the author in 1974 and the ending was “reported to have happened” (Gardiner 1980). The film was later made into…
National Geographic society is a non profit organization that has been going on since 1888 and still is going on today caring about our education and our planet. I think it is a great organization and you should go check it out they do a lot of events so if you don't like one you may like another or you just might like all of them. I am encouraging you to at least read about it to see if you like it if you dont you dont have to go if you do you are more than welcome to come out to some of the…
“Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.” Did you ever think that would be the first words spoken on a telephone? Not hello, nor did it work, but I want to see you, crazy right. We’re going to go right to the place when it started it all, the first telephone in 1876! 136 years ago and the person who did it was Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3,1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He had two brothers, but they both died from tuberculosis. His mother became deaf when he…
Alexander Graham Bell was significant to the world because he created a faster and more efficient way of communication by inventing the telephone. Bell’s father, grandfather, and brother has all been associated with work on speech, and both his mother and wife were deaf, profoundly influencing Bell's life's work. At the age of twenty three, Alexander Graham Bell moved to Canada with his parents. His research on hearing and speech at Boston University further led him to experiences with…
The Man , The Myth , The Legend! Alexander Graham Bell was an inventor from Scotland, but migrated to Canada, then finally settled in the United States.He got over 100 patents,one was for teaching a method to the deaf people to understand peoples voice , one was because of his greatest invention, the telephone! The telephone has made a big difference in the worlds communication. Also the telephone has made a big difference around the whole globe , including helping businesses , family members…
Like any other great invention there was a small beginning idea to it. Alexander graham bell was a one of the major contributors to the creation of the telephone alongside Thomas A Watson. Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, scotland. As a child Bell was homeschooled and received one year of education in a private school, in addition he also received two years of education in Edinburgh’s Royal High School. Alexander G. Bell was not a very good academic student, yet showed promise in…
Alexander Graham Bell, (1847–1922) was a teacher, scientist, and innovator. He was born in Scotland, on March 3, 1847. During his childhood, sparkle of interest in linguistic had been found by reading Shakespeare and studying theater. In his 20s, Bell started working with his father to teach deaf students to speak in Canada. In 1871, Bell moved to Boston, where he opened a school for teachers of the deaf. He began a series of experiments using electronic devices to copy human speech. Bell…