stores in Bensonhurst have been closed down due to gentrification. The physical fabric of the neighborhood has experienced the displacement of stores, restaurants, and residents. Places, where Italian businesses used to be located, have been replaced. Evidently, there is a new cultural image being consumed, pertaining to its new beginning. For instance, two blocks away from Gino’s Focacceria is a Szechuan restaurant called Spicy Bampa, which is generally crowded with Chinese-Americans who are attracted to the hot pot buffet appeal. Restaurants like Spicy Bampa are catalysts for change (Mooney, 2011). In Sharon Zukin’s “Why Harlem is Not a Ghetto,” she discussed Leah Abraham and her husband’s fusion…
Research Assignment Final: Bensonhurst Like many neighborhoods in New York, Bensonhurst has also been subjected to gentrification and reurbanization. Undeniably, over the years, my neighborhood has experienced death and life as an authentic urban place. Essentially, the drastic changes of the population, social relations, and etc. have led to the development of its current authenticity related to its new beginning. Bensonhurst has undergone a cultural, social, and economic transformation;…
question how you defined yourself, in terms of not only cultural identity, but also your fit in society. Last year, I showed my parents a new television series called “Fresh Off the Boat,” which describes the childhood of Eddie Huang and his family, immigrants from Taiwan. Wanting to learn more of my childhood, I asked my parents if their experiences as immigrants were similar to what was being depicted. Growing up, life wasn’t easily, but my experiences weren’t the worse. Prior to my…
The White People film dives into the issue whites and different ethnicities view white privilege. Whites believe that they have disadvantages by being the majority; on the other hand minorities see how whites don’t have their every move looked at and criticized. In the film they give many statistics but a big one is by the year of 2025 whites will be the minority in the United States. There are terms like the “melting pot” or many backgrounds coming together in the U.S. and colorblindness, the…
stating that the Mayor “missed an opportunity to extend an olive branch to the community,'' (Goodwin, para. 6) and would inevitably damage relations between himself and Harlem (Goodwin, para. 7). Cases of racial crime in the 1980s also supported the idea of insularity causing these incidents. In one article describing the outraged reactions of the black community following the death of Yusef Hawkins, Father Fermeglia states that insularity had caused the elevated fears and anger amongst many…
The Honeymooners I only became familiar with this most loveable and likeable serried The Honeymooners long after the last episode had aired on September 22, 1956. That must have been a sad day for fans because at that time no one knew that later on this show would go on to be legend and be shown in reruns for many years to come. The Honeymooners was great comedy and starred four great actors Jackie Gleason as Ralph Kramden, Audrey Meadows as his wife Alice Kramden, Art Carney as Ralph’s best…
Who is Noelle? A girl that transferred from the teen mental ward. Who is Craig roommate? Muqtada Where is Craig sent too? He was sent to the adult mental ward. Why was craig sent to the adult mental ward and not to the teen ward? Because the teen ward was under reparation. Who is the person that presents the ward to Craig? Bobby Why is Bobby in the ward? He has a severe depression like Craig. Are the shower Uni-sex? True or False. True. What does the nurse take from Craig?…
These two photos were taken in the Seth Low Playground in Brooklyn, and it is around 8 o’clock in the morning. The photos display the diversity of a country. I choose this place is because everyday I take the bus to school pass the playground, I see many people were doing exercise on the playground, and most of them are Chinese. The playground is a convenience for the people who lived around. Many apartments, house and school are around this playground. This playground located in the Bensonhurst…
Eugene D. Genovese A preeminent scholar in his field, Eugene D. Genovese challenged the traditional view of slavery in the antebellum South with his prize-winning book Roll, Jordan, Roll. Eugene Dominic Genovese was born May 19, 1930 in Brooklyn and grew up in the working class Bensonhurst neighborhood. He joined the Communist Party as a teenager, but was later expelled when, as he said, “I zigged when I was supposed to zag.” He was a 1953 graduate of Brooklyn College and later he received a…
Growing up in Brooklyn, New York, I was exposed to several different types of cultures and different foods from all around the world. On my city block in Bensonhurst we had the likes of Turkish, Japanize, Croatian and Russian people to name a few. Before joining the Army I had little idea that I had merely scratched the surface of the different types of people that there was in the world, at least in the first world countries. After some time in the service what I discovered was that some people…