The Basque Region is a small area sharing the border between Spain and France. Because of it’s physical geography they have been separated from both countries and now what there independence from the other two countries. The region has its own language and flag. Spain and France want to keep there territory between it. The Basque region is a large area known for its beautiful landscape and towering mountains. The area has a variety of culture including, Spanish, French and Basque. The region is small and does not have a lot of citizens in it’s population and the because of its physical geography, most people are farmers, live stock raisers. There are major cities throughout the region which make it a great tourism place. But because of its physical placing, it has been separated from Spain and France, so it has not been apart of either government. Because of that reason, the Basque region has declared it’s own independence to become it’s own new European country.…
State University, it is not uncommon for students to take a class in Basque Studies sometime in their college career. Students may even earn a minor in Basque studies at Boise State. Only a few universities offer these unique courses in the U.S. The Basque studies program at Boise State is a multidisciplinary study of the Basque people while exploring language, history, politics, and economics to foster lifelong learning. “Euskaldunak,” is what the Basque call themselves which means, “one who…
The Basque people have throughout history endured a prolonged fight for their right to become an independent country and live together in unity. As they are split in two countries, progress seems far away. Furthermore, since they are living in two different countries and, therefore, speaking two different languages communication provides an interesting difference for comparing and contrasting. This essay shall introduce into the Basque culture regarding their cultural and intercultural issues.…
The Basque conflict, otherwise known as the Spain-ETA conflict, was a heated dispute between the Spanish state, France, and the Basque National Liberation Movement. This feud began as a result of a sought after fight for independence. It started as a minuscule debate over a want for independence and soon developed into a much larger armed conflict after the formation of the ETA. The ETA is a Basque nationalist and separatist organization in the Spanish-state and France. French, Spanish, British,…
Basque Country is region situated at the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France and on the cost of the Bay of Biscay. The term Basque Country originated from the territories inhabited by the Basque people or Euskal Herria. The Basques are an ancient people who occupied the land of this region for thousands of years. Basque country is divided into two territories, north and south. The Northern territory is located in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques Department of France, commonly…
For a well structured and well functioning Basque society during the 20th century, the roles in which the two genders (male and female) contributed within the Basque culture were an important aspect of their everyday life, it insured balance and equal levels of respect within their society. This essay will briefly look at the Basque culture in general and will then focus specifically on housework and childcare, and also work, land and income. This essay will explore the gender roles of 20th…
Ignatius of Loyola In 1491- St. Ignatius Loyola was born into minor nobility and he was the youngest of 13 children. He loved the idea of courtly love and knighthood In 1517- Ignatius became a knight in the service of another relative which was Antonio Manrique de Lara. He was a duke of Nájera. Knowing he was interested in courtly love he helped him employe in a military undertakings and put him on a diplomatic mission. In May 1521- He was wounded by a cannonball in battle against the…
The Basque separatists believe they should be allowed to either develop a homeland in Spain or maintain separate culture and language. In 1939, Francisco Franco leader of the fascist forces campaigned against national identity, and the Basque region was joined with Spain. He banned the Basque language and expression of national culture. Priests were forbidden to make any references to the Basque region in religious sources, and parents were forced to give their children Spanish first names.…
The United States is often portrayed as the land of great opportunity. Anything can be accomplished as long as one works hard enough to do so. Many people believe the prosperity of immigrants is tied to how completely they embrace this ideal of the American Dream. While often thought of in a modern context, this idea is seen in older works as well. In Willa Cather’s My Ántonia and Ole Rølvaag’s Giants in the Earth, the attitude with which immigrants approach their new lives decides how…
Germany had to rebuild itself upon the rhetoric of self-denial (Joppke 2011: 45). West Germany was a nation that was not a nation. In the wake of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the “New” Germany was faced with the question of how to reunify itself as a singular unit without laying the ground for reiterations of historical and dangerous nationalism. During this time period multiculturalism became the new weapon of choice—a tearing down of what Kim refers to as “triumphalist” narratives and allowing…