Gandalf and Dumbledore are both the masterminds in their series. However both of their plans both entirely hinge on helping a young boy save the world. Gandalf entrusts the One Ring to Frodo who must journey on foot in evils backyard in order to destroy it. Dumbledore’s pupil Harry is destine to save the world by building up his strengths and finding relics to battle Voldemort head on. While we admire Dumbledore for settling bureaucratic and judicial hurdles for harry, Gandalf pretty much scarifies himself for Frodo and the greater good of Middle Earth. In order for Frodo to continue his quest Gandalf had to sacrifice his life at the bridge of Moria while fighting off Balrog. He then comes back and becomes Gandalf the White to continue helping Frodo’s Quest to destroy the ring. Throughout each series of movies both are heroic and helping to defeat evil. Although Dumbledore is proven to be more powerful with magic, Gandalf outweighs Dumbledore in his character portrayal, his experience, his foes, and helping his hero. So the winner in my book is the wizard of Middle Earth. I hope by now you have come to conclude that Gandalf the Gray (now know as Gandalf the White) is the greatest and most helping wizard of all…
Bennett's example of evil is America's drug problem, which he addresses through its spiritual and physical aspects. Tolkien demonstrates evil through the "Balrog" (Tolkien 330). However, he only writes about its physical aspects. Bennett and Tolkien agree that evil is a physically harmful problem that requires a type of sacrifice. For William Bennett, the problem of evil is drugs. Drugs can cause extreme harm both emotionally and physically on the user and those around the user. He uses the…
Have you ever noticed how, in a typical RPG (and, now that I think about it, most games in general) battles don’t really mean anything? How many times have you defeated a miniboss, only to have it stand back up and laugh at you, saying “I have underestimated you! You are a worthy opponent! This is not the end! We shall meet again!” and make a getaway? Think about it. How many times do you beat up Balrog in Cave Story only to have him fly away without a scratch? How is Black Knight able to keep…
What are the characteristics of a tale that make it epic? Some factors make some epic poems stand out from other stories. To make a poem epic it needs a universal theme such as good vs evil, supernatural events, and the actions of one person determine the fate of a nation. All of these recurring events happen in the book The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. The theme that is constantly present is good vs evil, an example of this is Gandalf against the Balrog. A supernatural event happens…
a cave-in destroying the gate. They entered through the western-gate near a lake with dark waters from which a tentacle monster emerged and attempted to kill Frodo. When inside, the Fellowship passed through many tunnels and great halls until finally reaching the Chamber of Mazarbul. It was here that they came across Balin's Tomb and a book, explaining the last accounts of the Longbeards. It was in the Chamber of Mazarbul that the Fellowship engaged in a brief fight with a band of Moria orcs and…
Gandalf drives his staff into the ground and yells “You Shall Not Pass!” (Jackson, Peter. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, December 9th, 2001) and causes bright light blasts to stun the Balrog long enough for the Balrog to fall into the fiery pits of Moria. As Gandalf turns to join the rest of the Fellowship the Balrog reaches a fiery tentacle up and wraps it around Gandalf's foot, causing Gandalf to fall to his supposed death but not before he whispers to the Fellowship “Fly…
The creature of the night archetypes is my favorite to write about because there are so many creepy and crawly creatures to talk about in the lord of the ring. A human being person used as a term of scorn, pity, or endearment is the definition of Creature of the night and the fellowship of the rings is a wonderful place to find any number of things that fit that description. Some of my favorites are Golem the balrog and the Uruk-hai. So to start I picked Golem because he is a living breathing…
“god” of Middle-Earth comes into play. Without going to deep into the lore, there is a “god” named Eru Ilúvatar. He is only mention briefly when Gandalf talks to Aragorn after he come back from the dead, returning as Gandalf the White. Thus, he can’t really be compared to a god of the modern times. Which leads to another “sacrilegious” point being resurrection and immortals. Gandalf is an immortal character. He can and will live forever, or until Eru decides he should remain dead (but I will…
For today’s mise-en-scene we will be analyzing the costume design of the Balrog. The Balrog is designed to obviously resemble something satanic, his character design evokes traditional imagery of Satan, as well as all sorts of hellish creatures, a visual motif that is further exemplified by the many flames surrounding the creature. Furthermore, the weapon the Balrog wields is a whip. I think all of these costuming choices were very deliberate, in this scene, the Balrog is fighting Gandalf, who…
ord of the Dwarves of Belegost in the First Age. Azaghal ruled the city of Belegost in the Blue Mountains on the eastern border of Beleriand. The Dwarves of Belegost and the neighboring city of Nogrod were craftsmen of great renown. Around the year 260 of the First Age, Azaghal received the Dragon-helm from Telchar, a smith of Nogrod. The Dragon-helm was made shortly after the first appearance of the fire-breathing Dragon Glaurung. The visor on the Dragon-helm shielded the wearer from the…