Lorenzo’s importance in the Merchant of Venice It’s common for fathers to grant a blessing for the elopement of two individuals. This blessing is usually given if they approve of the two who are wishing to be married. However, if the father doesn’t want his daughter to be married, then his wish should be respected. This is hardly the case in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Lorenzo, a minor character, intends to elope and run off with Jessica, the daughter of a rich Jew named Shylock. Knowing that Shylock would disapprove because Lorenzo is a Christian and they intend to take all of his money, the couple marries in secret. This action fuels a deep anger and hatred inside Jessica’s father, causing him to seek out vengeance later in the play. Shylock takes out his anger and hatred on Antonio, a merchant of Venice, by offering an inhumane contract that he swears to follow. He wouldn’t have been this cruel if he hadn’t been angry with Lorenzo taking Jessica away. Even though Lorenzo is a minor character, he is still important in the play because his religion clashes with Shylock’s, he is a friend of Antonio, and loves Jessica in his own way. By making Shylock angry, this leads to the main climax of the play and making it end the way it did. Christians, like Shylock, and Jews, like Lorenzo, clash with each other during the play. The night Jessica runs off, Shylock says, “...lock up my doors, and when you hear the drum and the vile squealing of the wrynecked fife, clamber not…
An Annotated Critical Bibliography of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gastby Pauly, Thomas H. Gatsby as Gangster. Studies in American Fiction, vol. 21 no. 2, 1993. Thomas H. Pauly, after an evidently thorough examination of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, is convinced that Jay Gatsby, the mysterious figure upon whom the novel fixates, is a sinister character and a mastermind regarding illegal activities. Despite Gatsby’s charming attitude and contrary claims, Pauly believes…
The great Gatsby is a movie overwhelmed with emotions such as jealousy, hatred, attraction, and most importantly, love. In this movie, a bond-seller, Nick Carraway is writing a journal, is fighting with depression and alcoholism caused by the sequence of events he lived with a mysterious man name, Jay Gatsby. Nick’s Doctor listens to him re-encountering the story which led him to his current situation. Nick’s story explains that seven years ago, he moved into a tiny house on Long Island, and had…
From Rags to Riches: The American Dream in US American Literature The Great Gatsby: Jazz Age Values and Their Reflection Upon the American Dream Table of Contents Introduction 3 Revolution Music 3 Culture 4 Technology 6 Excess 7 Disillusionment 9 Conclusion 10 Works Cited 11 Introduction The Great Gatsby has been acclaimed as one of the most important novels of the 20th century, and has become an American, and even world, classic. Fitzgerald has…
The Great Gatsby as a Criticism of American Society In the novel The Great Gatsby, author F. Scott Fitzgerald criticizes American society through the eyes of his narrator Nick Caraway, as he watches the downfall and pathetic lives of what most consider achievers of the American Dream. Fitzgerald’s criticism of American Society is more prominently proven by his Harsh view of America’s materialistic standard of living, the tragic death of Gatsby, the negligence displayed by Gatsby’s…
Past and Present: Human Nature Portrayed in American Literature The very root of human nature has been debated for as long as humans have been civilized. The topic became ever more intriguing in literature over the last few centuries, as The United States of America was founded. The idea of a common human nature is very debatable and is open to interpretation, which can be seen through various authors’ representations of human nature. While each individual is entitled to their own…
Jay Gatsby: The Manipulator of Reality The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925, is the story of Jay Gatsby and his inexorable desire to achieve the status and dreams he has coveted throughout his life. The dream of profound wealth in the 1920’s is represented through Gatsby’s road from destitution to extreme wealth and social stability at the time many admired those who had it and those who were impoverished desired to achieve it themselves. Gatsby is willing to change his…
Fitzgerald experiments with narrative point of view and presents the female characters through a central male consciousness. In the “Great Gatsby” Fitzgerald fully explores the modern woman’s symbolic significance in an era of disintegration. Women in the “Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald are symbols for the different sides of 1920’s feminism. Fitzgerald offers the public an image of a modern young woman sexually liberated, self-centered, fun-loving, and magnetic. Fitzgerald uses women…
Great Gatsby Nick is the only decent person in the novel, explain: Nick is the only decent person in The Great Gatsby. Nick lived during a time full of government corruption and extreme laws enforced to ban the supply of alcohol. Unlike the many people in his time nick strived to earn an honest living and proceeded to keep this mindset even when tempted a job offering in this type of field. Nicks ability to stick to his morals made him a very honourable character compared to the rest. In the…
Life in the Roaring Twenties revolved around parting and money. The Great Gatsby offers a view of how people probably were back then. Many of the characters refused to live in reality and instead lived with the illusions they had created for themselves. The characters fool themselves and others into believing they are better than they really are. As they turned illusions into reality they created a life of misery and uncertainty. Nick Carraway is the narrator of the novel and the judge of the…