biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons, also referred to as weapons of mass destruction (WMD), continue to pose a significant threat to all living things on earth. WMD are very different from conventional weapons. These weapons can be used in several different ways and the effects can range from environmental destruction, to incapacitating humans or animals, or even killing them. The Department of Defense (DOD) Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction is aimed at ensuring the United States, as well as its allies and partners, are not attacked or coerced by actors with WMD. This strategy outlines end states, objectives, lines of effort and activities which enables units to make an effective training…
Instantly, over 80,000 people died as a result from “Little Boy”. This grabbed the attention of the world. The world would be forever changed knowing that now humanity possess the power to killing millions of people in a fraction of a second. This type of weapon is known as a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” or a WMD. It can range from atomic or nuclear weapons to chemical and biological weapons. According to, there are currently 26 countries with WMD programs and there are many other…
(ABM) Treaty of 1972 was terminated by U.S and Russia. Weapons of Mass Destruction should be illegal because many american lives can be lost, they also are very expensive , and america is already in a lot of debt and if other countries are more advanced they have the ability to bully the U.S. There are three different types of weapons of mass destruction: chemical , nuclear , and biological. Chemical weapons are normally known as gases which smother the person or cause massive burning. Chemical…
The U.S. has been attacked by a numerous amounts of countries, but none like this one. The U.S. was attacked in the year of 2001, a year that no one can forget. After we decided what to do we went for it and succeeded. The U.S. should’ve attacked Iraq because, they had weapons of mass destruction, they were the central base of terror and we needed to take them out, and we needed to remove Osama bin Laden. To begin with, they had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Iraq could’ve used those…
countries. This paper will briefly discuss what is terrorism and the weapons of mass destruction they use, and how it can affect western areas over a period of time. Terrorism has been around for centuries, terrorism is a group of people trying to terrorize a population or overthrow a regime either through the military or communities. The english term terrorism comes from the term regime de la terreur, was first used by philosopher Edmund Burke during the French Revolution and the Jacobin Reign…
building a weapon of mass destruction, The United States created tension between herself and the U.S.S.R that led to a full scale nuclear arms race, which not only threatened the safety of the world, but triggered a breakdown of global interdependence. We all get scared sometimes, and we act irrationally out of fear, but building weapons of mass destruction is not an appropriate reaction to being scared. J. Robert Oppenheimer quoted: “Now I become death, destroyer of worlds” from the Hindu…
The Latest Weapon of Mass Destruction: Technology As a result of humans being intelligent and resourceful, the technology age began with the invention of simple stone tools to survive in nature. Over time the discovery of fire progressed to candles and ultimately to electricity. Communication evolved from pictographic writing to the telegraph and now to smart phones and computers. Medical advances such as x-rays and MRIs are essential in health care, and the internet offers digital information…
The USA is worldwide known for being the major liberal democratic country. However, on 20th march 2003, the USA invaded Iraq, which was the major and the most expensive military confrontation for the USA after Cold war (Lieberfeld, 2005). This action has been argued to be the breaking and rejecting the international law of non-intervention. But, the justification of such action was given by the president of the USA – George W. Bush as following: ‘Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward…
In the war against terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) pose a potential strategic scenario (White, 2012). R. James Woolsey, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency believes terrorist possessing the capabilities of WMD represent the single most serious threat to United States national security ( ). The challenges of WMD are; they are easy to build and easy to hide. One of the most challenging weapon types of WMD are biological agents. These agents are viewed as infectious…
Nuclear Weapons Such a dangerous weapon of mass destruction not any weapon but a nuclear weapon. Nuclear weapons can only be two things a nuclear bomb, or a nuclear missile that uses energy to cause an explosion. Since August 6, 1945 to today April 6, 2015 the nuclear weapons has killed over 129,000 people.(Hersam Acorn, 2015, hiroshima survivors address harvey students, staff).This is a major weapon that we are talking about. The first atomic bomb was tested at the trinity site at…