The Effects of World Hunger For decades, world hunger has been a huge problem. Ironically, “the world produces enough food to feed all seven billion people”().So why is everyone not being fed? The answer to this question is “either people do not have the money to purchase food or the land to grow it.” World hunger is a huge problem in today’s world because it results in unnecessary death, triggers violence, and also affects the learning abilities of kids. Additionally, hunger is often forced upon undeveloped countries as a result from insufficient funds in a household. Unnecessary death is a huge effect from world hunger. According to the United Nations, about 21,000 people die everyday from hunger or hunger- related causes. Often the ones that are affected the most are the kids. It is a continuing cycle; hungry people are trapped in areas where there are huge amounts of poverty. Many people begin to fall ill because of their inability to work because of the lack of nutrition, causing numerous deaths in the community. The diseases the cause deaths are usually, Guinea worm disease; caused by drinking dirty water; Cholera; a disease that infects the small intestine with bacteria; tapeworms; an infection of the stomach. The tapeworms eat the food before the body can digest it causing hunger all the time. Malnutrition is a lack of sufficient nutrients in the body. Malnutrition…
Ending World Hunger When we are ready to eat and hear the echoing sound of our bellies screaming to be fed we tend to use the phrase, “I am starving.” What we fail to take into mind is the true meaning of what it means to starve. When hunger crosses our day we have it simple because all we have to do is walk to the refrigerator and grab food to fulfill our hunger. Unfortunately, that is not a reality for a multitude of people across the world. Many live with the hardship of actually…
Lots of people are suffering from hunger. Although it’s not here, tons of families are going hungry. World hunger is a serious issue because of all of the people that go hungry, the amount of food that is wasted, and the poverty that comes along with it. People shouldn’t be going hungry, but they don't have a choice. According to the Food Aid Foundation around 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to live a healthy life. 1 in 6 kids, about 100 million, are underweight…
World Hunger Have you ever thought about what is world hunger? World hunger can be defined as the hunger problems that occur globally. People will suffer from hunger problems because they do not have enough food to consume. This can be further explain when almost 795 million people or one in nine people around the world do not have sufficient food to eat. So, there are three causes of world hunger which are climate, poverty, overpopulation and these causes will bring to an effect which is the…
World Hunger According to 11.3 percent of the world struggles with hunger. That's nearly 805 million people that struggle with providing food for themselves and their families. In 2010 an estimated 7.6 million children died from starvation, that is outrageous we need to do something to help the world and the people of underdeveloped countries find the food that they need. Several organizations were formed in order to help resolve the issue that is world hunger. Action…
global issue known as hunger. This condition enslaves about 800 million people today, relentless with its agonizing punishment, and yet there is one simple solution (Poverty). Adequate food and water on a daily basis cures the problem of hunger and renews the body into a healthy state. The issue lies partially in the fact that food is not being provided to the people that need it because of conflict or unfair treatment. World hunger is a immense problem that can be solved by raising awareness…
Have you ever thought about what it’s like to not have food or what it’s like to be hungry? We may think that most of us do not have to worry about being hungry every day, but in reality there are billions of people who are hungry. It is sad to think about all of those people who don’t make it through the night because of hunger. Some don’t have the energy to talk nor walk. What does hunger really mean? Hunger is a term which has four meanings according to the Oxford English Dictionary (1971).…
World hunger is a growing problem around the globe and could easily be reduced. This affects many people in multiple countries, causing people to suffer terrible hardships and possible death from the side effects of being malnourished. There are three ways that world hunger can be decreased. First, world hunger can be decreased tremendously if humans shared in the wealth of food and money. Additionally, providing school meal programs across the globe will draw children to school for nutritious…
answer to ending world hunger really be by ending the consumption of meat? Could the answer to ending global warming truly be by ending the consumption of meat? Two huge issues we have on this planet, could be solved with such a simple answer. According to a research done by Aprohaska, the number of people who die of starvation this year will be 60 million people. The number of people who could be adequately fed, with the grain saved if Americans reduced meat consumption by 10%, will be 60…
life to an unprecedented level. Therefore, people cling too much on the development of technology nowadays. However, excessive pursuit of advancement in technology may become the very body of the untruth. A lot of the ethical dilemmas lurk under the brightness of development and the novel “Hunger Games” and “Brave New World” clearly draw the danger of future society under prodigious development through loss of individuality. Both “Hunger Games” and “Brave New World”, depict a catastrophic…