Argument Research Paper Reflection I believe that I met the learning targets well for this unit. I wrote arguments to support my clear claim using sufficient evidence. I used evidence in my paper from the NIACC databases and other reliable sources as well as a book. I also followed MLA citation in order to avoid plagiarism. My final draft is quite different from my first draft, proving that I drafted, revised, and edited my paper. I significantly changed the order of my paper to make it flow better and added more information to make it a stronger argument. I am most proud that I didn’t give up on this paper and tried to make it the best I could by incorporating an interview and having multiple conferences with you to help the process of…
introduced me to a paper crane. I was very fascinated by it and decided to take it upon myself to learn more origami. Personally, I enjoy origami and I think it will benefit myself and others who share this passion or just want to try something new. My 3 main questions for my passion project are: what is origami? How can I instruct others interested in creating origami? How will this benefit others as well as myself? Origami is a proven way to develop mindfulness and concentration which I will…
Writing an Effective Research Paper Research papers may seem extremely difficult, but with a few simple steps it is not as bad as you may think. When writing a paper it takes three major steps that are typically broken down into smaller categories. Be sure not to stray away from your topic of choice as you begin to write. Also, use things such as “Stylics, in-text citations, and references” (Lee, 2014). If executed correctly, you are certain to have an effective research paper. Now, pay…
Scholarly scientific journals and peer-reviewed journals are often viewed as credible sources that other scientists or researchers make references when writing their own dissertations or research reports. However, in order to gain credibility from academia, it is essential to follow certain guidelines and organization when writing a scientific paper. From the given scientific paper, Cytotoxic Activity of Biosynthesized Gold Nanoparticles with an Extract of the Red Seaweed Corallina officinalis…
My experiment is about which type of paper will burn the longest. Fire is a compound that is used in a lot of ways all around the world for burning objects or heating them, it also causes chemical changes. I chose this experiment because I wanted to learn more about fire, more specifically, I wanted to learned how it functioned. I was interested to learn how fire functioned and how it maintained itself. “What did it depend on? What kept it going,” these were question that I’ve kept in mind…
A research paper was given as assignment in my English class. This research activity weights a good percentage of the final grade. Although I have done research papers for previous classes, this project has become special for me because I’m trying to demonstrate to myself how well prepared I am, and also it’s the opportunity to show the abilities attained in previous courses during my time in BCC. Certainly I have to admit that due to all information that I have to compile, this research…
drama school and got to fly to Canada for a week working opposite Brit Ekland. I was lucky. It was a very professional and respectful set to be on as an actor, and it set the tone of what I wanted to experience on set and what I was willing to work towards in my career. It's really a team effort, and respect for everybody regardless of their position is essential. They become your family no matter how long the shoot is. Picture credit by Nicolas J Reid Picture credit by Nicolas J Reid They…
my fist grade we have an Art teacher and she asks each one of us to draw a picture of a family or a house and a garden. I was having a hard time drawing a good picture and it take me time to color it all I learned that I have to color all in one direction. I used to color horizontally and vertically inside the picture. Also I have learned that I have to not press really hard on the color pencil so that all look the same. Then when I went to the second grade I learned to color with the water…
How to Read a Paper August 2, 2013 S. Keshav David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON, Canada ABSTRACT Researchers spend a great deal of time reading research papers. However, this skill is rarely taught, leading to much wasted effort. This article outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers. I also describe how to use this method to do a literature survey. 4. Read the conclusions 5. Glance over…
Unlike most kids out there my age I love to read. While most kids would rather watch a movie or a television show, just lock me in a room with a good book and I’ll be just fine. When I think of myself as a reader, as silly as it sounds I feel I relate to this cute hedgehog in many ways such as the way I approach reading, my process of reading and my participation in reading communities. When approaching something I am going to read I am extremely cautious about what I choose to pick up, like a…