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For my entire life, my family and I have moved every 3 years. I was born in Minnesota, but I later moved to Virginia. After that, I moved to Seoul, Berlin, then Istanbul. Finally, I moved back to Virginia to finish my education. With each change, I changed, too. My thoughts, personality, the way I viewed the world, all were subject to change depending on where my home was. xxxxxxx But one thing never changed. Going to college was something I never questioned, because of what a letdown it would…
IMath has never been my strongest subject. It doesn't help that prior to deciding to go back to school it had been about ten years since my last math class. I had to take College Algebra last semester and I really struggled through the first half or more of the class. While registering for classes this semester I realized that College Algebra is not even going to count as one of my required math classes for my major. At first I was really upset about this, I felt like I had wasted a whole…
The reason I chose my college is for many and simple reasons. My college choice is a community college, a two year college. The community college that I chose is called Kings Borough community college and it is closer than the other college that I might have gone to by terms of transportation. Transportation is an important factor with college I chose since, how I get there is important and how long it will take as well. My other college I might have gone too is called Medgar Evers College, a 4…
College is place where there are so many different people and different things to experience. Sometimes kids leave home and, their parents aren’t around to be able to watch every move or able to tell them what to do. College gave me a chance to figure out who I was as a person and what my strengths and weaknesses are as a person. Transitioning into college has could me to change mentally, physically, and emotionally. Coming in to college I had a mindset of negativity and didn’t have any…
Option #1: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. Alison Cecconi English 12, Period 8 College Admissions Essay Mrs. McLaughlin I can prove that “children learn more from who you are than what you teach.” When teaching young children young you have to be fun but also be a model for young children. I find it…
I come from a family if you don’t work hard at curtain age (18 and up) nothing is handed to you. So when it comes to being privilege I don’t have many privileges stories but I had one time to feel as though I was for an hour. Mercy College had limited tickets to a TED talks event. Everyone knows those events are not only expensive but also inspiring. My pact mentor said she think it be great experience for me so I said ok I will go. I got on line 25 minutes (in the middle of winter) freezing…
My dream is to play college football after pursuing my education and hard work in high school. . My dad forbids me to play college football because I was not working at the A&P. I didn’t know if he was serious about making me quit football, but I refused to quit the sport that makes me incredibly happy. One day at practice I found out my dad had removed me from the football team. I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life with football out of the picture, all I knew is I was furious with…
Coming to college I already knew what to expect. I had my schedule down and my work schedule ready to give to my managers. I knew I wouldn’t need to study hard for anatomy and then I’d figure out the other classes after week one/ exam one. I had already read and worked through a lot of my textbooks so I was ready to start when the time came which was a nice advantage to have. From the very beginning I did not want to live in a dorm. I wanted to be off campus in some way, obviously that doesn’t…
Now, in my youth it was common for me to attend school and solely achieve the minimum when it came to grades. As an only child my mother was simply grateful I was able to pass a course and excel into the following middle school and high session. I’m embarrassed to say that those ideals led into my first few semesters of Community College; I was at a point in my life where school and receiving an education just wasn’t for me which led to me dropping all of my courses and entering the work force.…