getting to know me portion which will explain myself, how people perceive me and how I perceive myself. The following pages will be a reflection of the personality assessments I took. The next pages will be a perspective in question and answer format about the type of perspectives. Lastly, I will conclude with a reflection about what I took away from this project. Getting to know me I hate it when I get behind on work. I wish my college tuition could be paid for. I love my family. I hope my sisters and I reach our goals. I’m embarrassed when my mother yells at me and tells my business to my aunts. The thing that bothers me the most is when I am…
would make spontaneous rash decisions that affected everyone. When Red found out that one of his captives, Titus, was another Red disguised as a Gold and went through the institute as well, he felt no sympathy for him even though Darrow was in the exact same situation. Darrow tried him and convicted him guilty let Cassius kill him. He feels so sympathy for those being executed even though he had once been executed. “I am the reaper and death is my shadow,” he states. This continued almost as…
In her article “Excuse Me While I Explode: My Mother, Myself, My Anger” E.S. Maduro writes about her frustration at her mothers position in the household and latter herself’s. She begins with her lack of understanding how her mother accepted her fathers behavior. Murado tells that her mother gave up her carrie and run the whole family chores while her father had a career and did only couple manly chores. Murado emphasizes that even later when her mather went back to school and worked her…
A Point Where I Gave Up Being a perfectionist has it's positives and negatives. Perfection for me was a matter of not allowing myself to fail at anything. Experiencing failure to me allows a person to grow and to learn how to overcome failure. I grew up as a perfectionist, but recently, I have learned the value of failure. I am a perfectionist because I never want to disappoint my father. My father didn't graduate high school or have someone lead him in the right direction. I believe that his…
reason, individuals typically feel obliged to feed into the categories people used to define them, squeezing themselves inside boxes. I was a victim of that, but I was my own enemy. Being a twin, the thought that I must firmly differentiate myself from my twin was ingrained in my mind for as long as I can remember. I wanted to establish my own distinguishable identity so I was not merely seen as one of the peas in the pod. Therefore, I labelled myself as the shy, girlier twin who loved barbies…
thing for me. I often compared myself to other girls and how they were thinner than I was, but often times I tried not to let it get the best of me. One day in the sixth grade, I started to get bullied for the way I looked. I got harassed by people I did not even know and for no apparent reason other than I was fat. The bullying was put to rest for the rest of middle school and came back again sometime around my freshman year. Being bullied and not being able to accept myself was my weakness. I…
describe you. I put a lot of thought into writing this paper. When I went home for Thanksgiving break I focused a lot on how my family interacted with each other and me. The two theories that connect with who I am as a person and based off of my family 's background history are, The Essential-Trait Approach: The Big Five, and Self- Efficacy . These theories are the ones that I strongly…
become. I on the other hand, began my journey into adulthood looking through the opposite end of the spectrum. I began to feel like I was nothing more than a lost cause, like a bag floating endlessly in the wind. Freshman year was a rough time for me both intellectually and socially. I had struggled with trying to find new friends. Because of this, I also had struggled with finding who I was and who I could become. The lack of a support system caused me to not believe in myself. I had suffered…
All the time when asked, “What’s the biggest obstacle you have overcome?”, I never had the answer. In fact, it took me almost a week to figure out the answer to that question. When I really thought about my personal hardships, I realized the answer was right in front of me all along. I battled shyness for a huge part of my life. It wasn’t until the past few years that I began to overcome it. Being shy eventually resulted in me losing confidence in myself and becoming extremely insecure. I chose…
but when alone they could turn into a big crybaby. So, with that in mind, I am going to be discussing how others view me, how I view me, and how I came to know myself. I think the first thing people notice and perceive me as is quiet. Which…