From 1347 to 1350, one of the world’s worst epidemics in human history struck Europe, the great plague that caused enough pestilence and death that claimed roughly half of Europe’s population was called the Black Death. Until recently, the Black Death has been widely believed to be a large outbreak of the bubonic plague as some historians challenge this original view. The origins of the black death is still unclear as there are many viewpoints of this plague such as: some believe that the Black Death originated in China or Central Asia and spread to south-east Europe, while others believe that it was an endemic that started in Crimea, and another viewpoint held by a couple of scientist believe the black death was in fact a viral hemorrhagic…
The Black Death (black plague) Did you know that during the years 1348 and 1351 up to 75 million through 200 million people died because of the Black Death? Well if not, then an interesting fact is that it killed about 30% to 50% of Europe’s population during that time, this all began in china but soon this deadly disease started to spread quickly. When did it begin? Okay so like said in the begging it all began in the 14th century and those years were between the years 1301 &1400, through those…
around you and it may be the very end of the world. This was the picture many had called their lives around the time of the Black Death. Always wondering whether they have contracted the disease or would soon. Over one third of the entire European population was wiped out by this disease, and was very easily spread from person t person. There was, though, many contributors to the spread of the Black Death. The Black Death had many causes including rats living very near and traveling with large…
How could they not? After all, it was only the biggest epidemic since the Black Death. The 14th century was quite fascinating because of the Black Death. Millions of humans died because of the spread of the Black Death and a couple thousand more humans were murdered as a result of the persecutions that occurred due to the religious fervour in Europe. The symptoms of the plague were rather gruesome by human standards and the final effects the Black Death had on Earth was huge. About 60% of…
Around the year of 1346, a disease known as The Black Death, started in China and rapidly spread throughout Europe. The disease wiped out the populations of Christians and Muslims in percentages ranging from thirty-three to forty-five. However, The Black Death sparked reactions in the Christian and Muslim populations by causing them to have vastly different responses to who and why The Black Death started. The Christians believed that the Jews were spreading the “curse” by poisoning the water…
If there was ever a catastrophe worse than a war, then that would be epidemics, particularly the one that ravaged all of a continent and killed much more than half of its population. There is only one epidemic that fits that category, and that is the Black Death. As one could take from the name, the Black Death was not a pleasant time for residents in Europe in the 1300s. Life in Europe during the Black Plague was a life fraught with constant death, pandemonium, devastation, persecution, and a…
The Black Death was a highly contagious mortal disease. It spread across Europe around the 1340s through 50s. The black death killed about 50 million people; up to sixty percent of Europe’s population. The disease comes from a bacteria called Yersinia pestis. The bite of infected fleas and rats as well as person to person transmission made it spread faster. New trade routes, growth in population and cities, enhanced the outrage of the disease. The opening of trade in Western Europe and China…
The Black Death was one of the most catastrophic pandemics in human history. Between the years of 1346 and 1353, the plague killed an estimated 75 to 200 million people. The Black death had originated in the plains of Central Asia, it quickly travelled along the Silk Road, until it reached Crimea in 1343. It was then spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe being carried by fleas living on black rats. Symptoms of the black death included victims having fevers, abdominal pain, feeling…
atmosphere crept through European towns and cities, local citizens were being, to their dismay, succumbed to a fatal disease they knew little of. The Black Death, in its monstrous form, strangled the life out of every being it came in contact with. It drained its prey of their faith, hope and a perseverance to keep fighting. Having no one to turn to, no one to get a definitive answer or solution from, these victims acted out, and reacted in ways that were outrageous, sensible, and everything in…
The Black Death Did you know that the Black Death wiped out 30-60% of the European population? Some diseases can be almost power less but others are as mighty as an army and they can wipe out a large portion of the population. The Black Death, a bacteria, is deadly and wiped out about 75 million people, but it is less of a threat today. First, it is important to understand where the disease traveled to and some warning signs. To begin, the disease was passed on too many places, that was…