I also wanted to become a nurse so that I could make an impact on people’s lives. I feel that it is important to leave an impact on someone’s life, and to always make it known that they do matter to someone, because sometimes, all it takes is a simple smile to help make a patient’s day better. In my opinion, just as something as simple as a smile can leave an everlasting impression and give the patient a sense of warmth and compassion from that nurse, so that the patient knows the nurse is truly there to make a relationship with the patient and the nurse cares to meet all of the patient’s needs. In 2006, my family was stricken with a tragedy of my aunt being involved in a motorcycle wreck. My aunt had to be flown to Vanderbilt Hospital where four shunts had to be placed and she still to this day suffers from traumatic brain injury. While at the hospital, the nurses that were involved in my aunt’s care made an everlasting impact on myself that truly made me realize that being a nurse is exactly what I wanted to be in my career …show more content…
The environment is the healthcare social organization that the nurse is providing to the patient and it is the nurse’s duty to make sure that the patient feels comfortable in their environment. The environment can impact the person physically, mentally, and emotionally. As a nurse it is important to be aware of how the patient, and or family defines their environment so that the nurse will in fact know the measures that are acceptable to the patient and then incorporate this knowledge into their plan of care. This is important because sometimes, items and measures that the nurse may find acceptable, might not be acceptable to the patient. It is important for the nurse to always maintain a comfortable environment with the patient so that the patient can be comfortable and not impacted by added stress, or