It uses 868 MHz band in Europe, 915 MHz band in the USA and Australia, and 2.4 GHz in other regions. ZigBee is used for long distance transmission between devices in wireless mesh network. It has low cost, low data transfer rate, short latency time, comparing to WiFi standards. The technology uses the RSS method to estimate the distance between two or more zigbee sensor devices[36] . 2.5.3 Short Distance Wireless Technology Bluetooth Bluetooth is intended to enable short range wireless communication between devices. Bluetooth communicates utilized radio waves with frequencies between 2.402 GHz and 2.480 GHz as WiFi does. Bluetooth concerns the power consumption, it uses a very low transmission power. So the coverage of Bluetooth is shorter than WiFi and other WLAN technology. Hence, Bluetooth is not suitable for localization for large area [37]. Ultra-Wide Band The Federal Communication Commission FCC has determined UWB bandwidth more than 500MHz and carrier frequency larger than 2.5 GHz. A Large bandwidth in UWB due to high speed communication, high…
With the development trend of wireless communication, the main application scenarios of D2D communication in 5G network are as follows: Local service Local service generally can be understood as the user side of the business data is not through the network side (such as the core network) and directly for the local transmission. A typical case of local business is the application of social, social characteristics can be regarded as the application of adjacent D2D technology application based on…
3. (Optional) If possible, use electronic presentation software to summarize your findings for management. Improving Decision Making: Using Spreadsheet Software to Evaluate Wireless Services Software skills: Spreadsheet formulas, formatting Business skills: Analyzing telecommunications services and costs You would like to equip your sales force of 35 based in Cincinnati, Ohio, with mobile phones that have capabilities for voice transmission, text messaging, and taking and sending…
Chandrasekaran, “Diversity Techniques in Wireless Communication Systems”, Rutgers University, pp. 1-8, 2005. [12.] P. A. Anghel and M. Kaveh, “Exact Symbol Error Probability of a Cooperative Network in a Rayleigh-Fading Environment”, IEEE trans. wireless commun., vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 1416-1421, Sept. 2004. [13.] P. S. Ahmed, “Turbo Multi-Hop Relaying for Cooperative Communications”, Master Thesis, University of Southampton, September 25, 2009. [14.] S. Haykin and M. Moher, Modern…
MODELING A BLUETOOTH INDOOR LOCATION SYSTEM BASED ON LOCATION FINGERPRINTING 1. INTRODUCTION: Position location systems are becoming increasingly important as add-ons to today’s pervasive wireless technology. Location – aware services are based on some form of positioning techniques. Positioning systems enable context – aware computing with location awareness [1]. Information such as location, group, object that are directly related to an application’s operating environment are often…
with the signal from an adjacent one. because of scarcity of digital filters it was very difficult to filter closely packed adjacent channels. 2.Multicarrier modulation:- it is not convenient and efficient to transfer a high rate data stream through a channel, the signal is divided into a number of signals over that frequency range. Each of these signals are individually modulated and transmitted over the channel. At the receiver end, these signals are fed to a demux where it is demodulated…
Assignment 2 Data Communication- Net Centric Question 1 CDMA is what that have a several protocols that was used in the 2G and 3G wireless communication. CDMA is a service that provide all the communication overall and it also provide in major service in network capacity. CDMA service is mostly used in Cell phone and it can be easily be used for communicating terminal with two base stations. CDMA is a form of multiplexing, which allow a number of signals to work on a single transmission…
3.8: Benefits and Limitations of RFID: Though RFID is not likely to entirely replace commonly used barcodes in the near future, the following advantages suggest to additionally apply RFID for added value of identification: • Tag detection not requiring human intervention reduces employment costs and eliminates human errors from data collection, • As no line-of-sight is required, tag placement is less constrained, • RFID tags have a longer read range than, e. g., barcodes, • Tags can have…
Wireless technologies have transformed our lives greatly. Until a few years back, we needed a wired computer connected to telephonic ports to get internet access. Nowadays, mobile phones are used for super-fast internet, with applications ranging from banking to movie ticketing. This wireless technology helps reduce cost and also increases mobility. Devices are shrinking in terms of their size and are growing in processing speeds. 4G is the fourth generation of broadband mobile technology after…
To assistance of several multimedia services, have higher data rate to wireless communication system. The necessity of high bit error rate (BER) wireless communication with high channel capacity and reliability, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is a desired method. In the multifunctional wireless communication application, MIMO antenna system should have compact structure and high isolation [2]. Numerous technique have been proposed for enhance isolation between the elements of a…