The Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., is, we are told, 555 feet high -- higher than the spires of Cologne Cathedral, higher than St. Peter’s in Rome, much higher than the Pyramids. When George Washington died, in December 1799, the new federal capital had already been named in his honor. As a further gesture, the House of Representatives resolved that a marble monument should be built, “so designed as to commemorate the great events of his military and political life.” Washington’s body was to be entombed beneath the shrine. But for various reasons, some unedifying, it was never erected. The soaring obelisk that we call the Washington Monument was a later project, not completed until a hundred years after George Washington had achieved…
Washington State What is the first thing what comes to our minds when we think of Washington State? Most would say; Bill Gates, Nintendo, lumber, Pacific Ocean, or Seattle, apple, Starbucks, tourism. This essay would like to introduce the state's breathtaking geographical features, its rich history and other interesting facts. As the name shows, Washington State is the only state which was named after a president. The name honors the first president of United States, George Washington.…
Topic: Washington Promise Program General Purpose: To advocate the audience to take action against the Washington Promise Program Specific Purpose: To convince the audience that they need to spread the word on the negative impacts of this bill in hopes they will vote no on upcoming ballets. Thesis Statement: The Washington Promise Program should not be allowed to pass in our state. I. Introduction A. Attention-Gaining Device: I have Hulk-like triggers that turn me not into a muscly angry…
office. Washington could see the growing tensions spreading across America, and he knew that factors like split political parties and foreign intervention would only cause the still very young America great stress. When Washington finally made the decision to retire from office, he left behind a series of growing issues that the next president, John Adams, dealt with; however, the original plan Washington had was to retire after only one term, so the first draft of his Farwell Address,…
his time as a Civil Rights Activist, Martin Luther was put in jail many times, 30 times to be exact. Many of the times he got arrested was because of unjust reasons such as acts of civil disobedience, for driving thirty miles per hour in a 25 miles per hour zone. Other times were for the protests that were going on. He was sent to Reidsville State Prison Farm when he got arrested. August 28, 1963, over 200,000 americans came together in Washington D.C. for the “March on Washington” rally. The…
The Lincoln Monument, the Capital, Mount Vernon. These are places that are featured in the patriotic movie, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”. This movie was released in 1939 and was directed by Frank Capra. Jimmy Stewart starred as the title character, Jefferson Smith and Jean Arthur played Smith’s sarcastic, but kind-hearted secretary, Clarissa Sanders. “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” uses filmic devices and a thoughtful script to showcase the concept of civic religion by illustrating the gods,…
2016 George Washington DBQ George Washington held the position of president of the United States for two terms from 1789 until 1996. George Washington was not interested in leading the new country, but when the United states constitution was ratified in 1788. Americans wanted Washington to fill the post. Washington was admired and respected as a result of his success and integrity as the commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and as the president of the Continental…
On February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, George Washington was born into the home of devout Anglicans and to the prosperous middle class to Augustine Washington and Mary Ball. Washington was the eldest of six children born into the union. In 1735, Augustine Washington moved himself and his family to Little Hunting Creek Plantation, which will later be renamed as Mount Vernon, but after three short years, in 1738, the family moved to Ferry Farm on the Rappahannock River, where…
Americans honor Washington's day of birth the Monday before his actual birthday. When Washington was eleven his father, Augustine Washington, died leaving most of the property to George’s older brothers. 1731, Augustine married Washington's mother, Mary Ball. Of his four siblings, Washington was the adolescent child. Father of Washington, Augustine was a planter in Westmoreland County and also served as a Justice of the Community Court. Augustine’s first…
The World Renowned Washington It is human nature to live and work together. As a species, humanity has always sought to form groups or communities set with common goals and interests. In order to merit any success within these groupings, it proves imperative that one member maintains control over all others. There are many titles passed to venerated persons selected to maintain dominion: chieftain, president, kaiser, king, prime minister, etc. Those who engage with this bold task of commanding…