Explicit norm are rules that are stated, usually on paper or verbally as acceptable behavior. An explicit norm in our group is to warn team members and give them notices of when tasks are due. Thus, this rule has encouraged our group to stay on task and build a level of motivation towards each other. However, implicit norms are rules that are not stated, but members should already know these rules such as, don’t interrupt someone when they are talking. An implicit norm we have for each member in our group is allow personal space. Therefore, this helps our group set boundaries for each other and allows each member to be comfortable and safe. Evaluating our group’s performance has made me believe my group is still working on all of these concepts because we have just started learning about them. There are some parts we can still improve, such as social dimension. Overall, our group is doing an effective job of keeping up with our assignments and also keeping our service learning site paper alive. Most importantly, we are working on adapting these concepts to our everyday interaction with each other—eventually to become competent…
As designers and creators we have endless methods to create art, we can express ourself in any way we want. With interior design you will always find yourself creating new environments, so is a common thought to imagine that a client may ask you to design his/her new living room with a contemporary style, of course, for this design you need to add objects such as furniture in order for the client to have a clear vision of how this space is going to look like. But sometimes objects drawn in one…
The concept of freedom to Crispin changes throughout the book. From not thinking there was such a thing. To starting to change slightly to where he thought he was free. To knowing what freedom meant and wanted to be free.At the end of the book Crispin wanted to be free. In the second book Crispin longed for the sea after Bear told him about it and he saw it. In the story Crispin, Crispin’s different point of views of freedom and how and why it changes throughout the book. At the beginning of…
Streamlining Chaos Deciding on my career was a bumpy road. I went through at least 5 different career choices before settling, at last, on equine trainer, more commonly known as horse trainer. After all the research I have done, I still feel that this is the right choice for me. I have never felt this calm and sure about a career decision before. It feels right. Being an equine trainer is no easy job. I think that is half the reason I am so drown to it. Training animals that weigh half a ton…
Implied lines are lines disguised through the use strokes, colors, values or shapes that usually help direct the eye when looking at an artwork. Directional lines are a type of implied lines that draws attention or point to the focus of a painting, there many types of directional lines that represent different meanings. In The Death of Socrates, implied lines are apparent throughout the whole painting, the outlines that separates the figures (the people) from the background can be considered…
The schema above is the dimensional model for sale business process of Healthy Food Company. This company sales several types of healthy food on the internet. The company has two business requirements. First, the company would like to analyze daily quantity-on-hand inventory levels by products. In order to meet this requirement, I designed the dimensional model by using the periodic snapshot approach so the company could see the quantity-on-hand of each product at the end of the day. This…
1) According to the author of A World of Art line is important in an artist since it plays a major role in human history, delineating city limits, county lines, and state and national borders. 2) In Matthew Richie’s quote I think he is trying to talk about the structures of line and properties of how line can be structured. Then, Ritchie’s is trying to use it as a symbol when it comes to using a straight line since it can represent the direction and the curve can mean to join things. I also see…
Cleopatra. Cleopatra appears to be very grounded when talking, but is talking in a strong anger almost voice. Her movements are straight with her arms are straight out. She then goes into a low topography, getting on her knees at the end of her line. Shakespeare in Hollywood was the next short play the cast acted out. The girl explains how she is playing Hermia, but wants to play I play Hermia. She wanted to play Puck and how until this century a boy played it. While explaining this wishing…
The Mandelbrot and Filled Julia Sets The Mandelbrot and Filled Julia Sets are sets of numbers that are composed of complex numbers that do not diverge for varying conditions of the function fc(z)=z²+c. For the Mandelbrot set, the function is iterated from z=0. The filled Julia set holds c constant for any complex number to look at the behavior of the iterated functions for each value of z in the complex plane. Both sets are derived from the iterations of simple functions in the complex plane,…
The Bible verse Ephesians 4:2 tells us, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Bible Hub). Ephesians 4:2 advises us to love one another, but a movie called Hairspray has an exceedingly similar message of peace, love, and acceptance. While the differences between Hairspray and Ephesians 4:2 are noticeable, the similarities are striking. Hairspray has a tremendously positive message of love, peace, and acceptance. In the movie, the main character Tracy…