Miss Nelson is Missing! Miss Nelson is missing was located at the Campus Life Center on campus at USC Upstate. This play premiered on June 23rd, 2016 at 6:30pm. The directors of the play were Anthony Gregory and Emily Robinson. Miss Nelson is Missing displayed a class that is full of horrible children who will not listen to their teacher when she is trying to teach her lessons. Even with all of her kindness and compassion the children would just not listen. One day the children’s lives changed dramatically when they walk into the classroom and realize that Miss Nelson is not there. The children were stunned and could not grasp what was going on because Miss Nelson was never late for class. Well then walks in the principle and speaks to the class, the children are all ears as Principle Humleker sadly announces that Miss Nelson has gone missing. Well no sooner than Principle Humleker could give his announcement there she was the worst teacher that anyone could ever ask for Miss Swamp. As Miss Swamp starts her lesson the children show a look of devastation and guilt. Miss Swamp was atrocious, she would yell at the students for not good reason. When Miss Swamp would ask the children a question before they had time to answer she would interrupt and put them down. Well the children had had enough so they had put on a search to find Miss Nelson. They missed her tremendously and wanted her to come back to school and teach the class instead of old Miss Swamp. The class went to a…
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and free from poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Utopia is a place where happiness flourishes through the eyes of Utopians citizens every single day. While Haiti, a country that went from slavery to independence to falling into debt from France. Utopians live a better life than Haitians because Utopia establish trust among their citizens while Haiti continues to have corrupt politicians in their government that is not enabling them to move forward.…
The first World Happiness Report was published in 2012 to better understand happiness and well-being of various countries throughout the world by ranking each country based on GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, social freedom, generosity, and absence of corruption. A country that is extremely low on the World Happiness Report—ranked one hundred thirty-six out of one hundred fifty-seven—is Haiti. Although this ranking is from the 2016 version of the World Happiness Report,…
Whether you're an enduring Top Gun fan, a Batman aficionado, or one of the lucky ones who discovered Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, if you live in Boston you should know about Val Kilmer's upcoming "Writer/Performer/Producer Talk" next month. Actor and filmmaker Val Kilmer will discuss his current film project, bringing the lives of Mary Baker Eddy and Mark Twain to the screen, at The Mary Baker Eddy Library on February 11, at 7 p.m. He will be joined by Mike Davis, library researcher, and Chet…
I also enjoyed the Oriental scenes,Doc Holliday's personality/Val Kilmer's portrayal of him, the O.K Corral shooting , and chase of the cowboys after his brother died. Some things I disliked about this movie were some of Kurt Russell’s over acting in some scenes like when he was telling Ike Clanton to tell the cowboys he was coming and hell's coming with him. One of the themes that can be found in this movie is revenge comes at a cost. This is seen when Wyatt and Doc kill cowboys at the O.K…
played by Heath Ledger. Christian Bale is forced to return to his city of Gotham to fight the terrorist known as Bane, with the help of not Robin, but Selina. The Dark Knight Returns and The Dark Knight Rises shows the difference of the other Batman movies. It shows the dark side that Batman has to him, as well as the hope that he has to save the people and the city that he loves. Batman is named one of the best, according to critics. In May 2011, Batman was placed second on IGN 's Top 100 Comic…
“Exodus”, “Moses may be painted as superhuman, but the crowd is not.” Perhaps more captivating than his impeccable bone structure is his deep, booming voice that seems to command the power of God Himself as he addresses the crowd. Throughout this interpretation of the Parting of the Sea, Moses is a handsome figurehead who uses his larger-than-life stature to ward off evil. This conflicts with the Biblical descriptions of Moses, in which he appears to be weak an unconfident. What this portrayal…
doing it better. Only one of the thousand cities in Africa is shown. IN contrast in every film, the entire continent is negatively portrayed showing how stereotyping’s negatively affect the relationship between the two races. Bibliography Dunn, Kevin. 1996. “Lights...Camera…Africa: Images of Africa and Africans in Western Popular Film of the 1930s.” African Studies Review. 39: 149-175. Hall, Stuart. 1997. “The Spectacle of the ‘Other.’”…
Essay Title Top Gun: One of the Best Naval Aviation Movies Ever Made “I feel the need, the need for speed”, a great movie line from the movie Top Gun uttered by Tom Cruise (Cash & Epps, 1986). Tony Scott’s Top Gun (1986) is an example of one of the best movies ever made that depicts Navy aviation at its finest. The film was directed by Tony Scott and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer in association with Paramount Pictures (Cash & Epps, 1986). The screenplay was written by Jim…
The USDA’s dietary guidelines are a bit like the Batman movies. There was the version with Christian Bale, and the ones with Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton, and of course, Ben Affleck. Depending on who you ask, one version is better than the rest, though some will say none of those versions were that great. Since the 1940s, the USDA guidelines have also gone through their own versions. There was the “Basic 7” wheel poster, “The Basic 4” (guess 3 of the basics weren’t so basic), and the one we all…