The Japanese forces were commanded by Lt. General Mutaguchi. Lt. General Mutaguchi was a graduate from the Imperial Japanese Army Academy, and would later in life take over as the Commandant of his Almer Mater. Although he was wounded in an earlier battle Lt. General Mutaguchi rose to take command of the 18th Army,which operated in Burma. During the later phase of the Battle of Myitkyina, he was relieved of command mostly because he failed to listen to his subordinates. At times during the battle, his battlefield commanders requested to withdraw from the area. Lt. General Mutaguchi would not accept their request and his men suffered great casualties. After being relieve of command, General Mizukami took command of the 18th Imperial Army. He never could overcome the grave circumstances he was dealt and eventually order the town to be evacuated except those Soldiers who were mortally wounded; they were to stay behind and fight until their last breath. General Mizukami took his own life refusing to be taken as a Prisoner of…
are made by a social media manager versus other young adult authors such as Neil Gaiman. This brings in a separation that could be due to age or priorities, but still does interact personally when at live events. The book series Ranger’s Apprentice follows the character Will after his father has died in the war. When he comes of age to be chosen for his new job as an adult instead of being placed in a battle school he is chosen to join the ranks of a dark society of rangers. Despite his…
also men who are equally unskilled and physically inept to deal with the physical demands of military life. Men are doubtful at first, but the female soldier should be given the training and the experience just as every other man, in the military, to be able to prove their worth. They should be allowed opportunities to express different points of view, avenues of approach and showcase their abilities that may be valuable during combat. In August 2015(USA Today, Jim Michaels, August 18, 2015) two…
Ranger Rescue missions are not only technical in nature, but also demanding. In other words, it is one thing to plan for such expeditions while it is another to execute the strategy. Evidence provided by various institutions including non-governmental organizations confirm that liberation operations are more sophisticated than widely conceived. Consequently, there is need for adoption of tested and proved techniques, which not only limit the number of casualties, but also guarantee success in…
Wildlife ranger Aline Masika Kisamya Kisamya, along with her female cohorts, proved this when they passed the strenuous selection process and rigorous training to become Virunga rangers. Being a ranger in Virunga’s paramilitary conservation brigade is not only one of the most prestigious jobs but also one of the most dangerous jobs in Eastern Congo (Hatcher). In fact, “Since 1996, more than 150 Virunga rangers have been killed in the line of duty (Hatcher). It being such a dangerous job, the…
After high school as a young adult I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do as a career and I what direction I wanted my life to take. I decided to try something different and enlist in the Army. While in the Army as a recruit I made a life altering decision to volunteer for the 75th Ranger Regiment. Nothing has had a stronger impact on my life than my 9 years in the Ranger Regiment because there I learned that if I put my mind to a task I could succeed, I found a career field that I am good at and…
that people trust what he says by his words. Soldiers observe at this high ranking soldier’s uniform, admiring all the badges. His uniform is filled with school badges that many soldiers refuse to go or lacked the physical and mental capacity. The young soldiers look up to this person. Sebastian Camacho has been to Ranger school,…
“FOLLOW ME.” This is the motto of the United States Army Rangers. There is a lot of merit in these two words. This leadership is shown by example, in that, leadership comes from one’s actions more than telling others what to do. Through one’s actions, others can recognize the convictions of their heart. Furthermore, people need to have the willingness, as well as, the desire to serve and lead others. When people lead with the conviction of their heart intentions become obvious and others…
Warren was born and raised here in Ohio. After high school, he enlisted in the Army. While serving in Germany, he witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall. He excelled as a soldier compelling his commanders to recognize his work ethic and leadership potential. This earned Warren an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. At West Point Warren excelled in the classroom by finishing in the top ten percent of his class. Warren majored in American History and minored in…
shown seizing a Red Cross food distribution center and declaring it property of their leader, Mohamed Farrah Aidid. A United States Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter is hovering low within distance waiting on confirmation to engage combat but are denied clearance to do so and are forced to retreat. Throughout the next few scenes a man by the name of Ali Atto is shown, an arms dealer en route to Aidid himself however he is quickly apprehended by United States military and ultimately…