For peer observation to be a successful tool, and potentially positively affect student achievement, it must be purposeful, timely, and analytical/reflective. In Murray et al.’s study, the AMSP summer institute provided a basis on which teachers should base their observations. However, it was too broad in scope. Purposeful peer observations should have a more narrow focus, or a specific goal that the observee is hoping to accomplish and for which the observer should be collecting evidence. Post-observation conferences should occur in a timely manner after the observation, and the partners should set next steps to measure progress towards the goal. Additionally, partners should engage in observation cycles frequently throughout the year in order to build a collaborative partnership and ensure professional growth. Lastly, successful peer observation should be analytical, and cause the observee to reflect on their practice. Murray et al. (2009) suggest role play activities to establish an understanding of the roles of observer and observee as well as to practice engaging in reflective talk moves, and also coaching strategies, such as video recordings of a lesson to assist in the analysis of the lesson, rather than simply…
This was a group activity, described with varying notes that didn’t seem to be significant to the observation of the child. Noting the strategy used to dismiss students to the rug and the size of the rug only highlights the degree of tension in the room. In the particular incident with ’Tony’ and the girl, ‘Pat’, although the incident was handled appropriately by the teacher, the observer seemed biased in her evaluation of the girl. During the reading, ‘Tony’ was bumped. Previous history of the…
An observation blog that was interesting and relevant to many people’s everyday experiences, was one that explored the reasons behind why people naturally avoid eye contact with strangers. In order to explore this question, the writer not only analysed the ways in which people interacted with the others around them, but also explored this question in more than one setting. The first setting that was analysed was on a public bus heading towards UNSW. The observer conducted their observation on a…
information, observations and forming a needs assessment survey it is important for the HR Department to advantage of the second stage, which is data collection and identifying training needs. Data collection and identifying training needs often correlates as the organization begins to analyze results, and discover opportunities for improvement within the organization. This review will explain some of the processes steps that were taken during the data collection process, as well as, the…
the session over it was mentioned twice. Both times it was mentioned, it was a quick mention but the client did bring it up so that is something that I have to be cautious of during my clients speaking parts, new information that could be random and something that she has not mentioned before. Feedback When reviewing feedback from both the client and the observer I found that we all had some slight differences in how we perceived the session going. For the exploration phase, the client…
Mike Kelley, considered one of the most inspirational American artist of our time, with his contemporary, messy, and unusual mash-ups of thrift shop media. Kelley's art occasionally opposed the usual art world value. In his highly recognized piece More Love Hours than Can Ever Be Repaid (1987), Kelley stitched together stuffed animals and blankets purchased at a thrift shop on a canvas, to portray the symbolism that a toy, once a loving gift from a parent to a child, is now damaged and unwanted…
On Wednesday at 12:03 AM Resident Director Brandon Winslow received a phone call from Resident Assistant Christian San Pedro regarding a resident of concern. Resident Maryssa Hodder and Resident Marena Horan came to Resident Assistant Kayli Boyes with concerns on the whereabouts of Resident Falon Nonemacher who also resides in McHale 327. Resident Nonemacher was not answering phone calls from both Resident Hodder and Horan. RD Winslow was informed that Resident Nonemacher left to go home on…
The unprejudiced observer is a concept described by Hahnemann in the “Organon” in the aphorism six and constituted an important foundation of homeopathic practice. Hahnemann describes the unprejudiced observer as someone whose view of reality is not influence, control or cloud by any personal beliefs, opinions or any other theories. For him, the unprejudiced observer is free from biases when dealing with sickness and notice only perceptible signs and symptoms that are the only true…
Inter-Observer Errors are critical in understanding the data as a whole. It’s to understand the error that comes with the interpretation of two or more individuals making observations of the same issue. This is a sole reason why scientists take multiple data sets in order to weed out these inter-observer errors. It can affect the end result, or calculation resulting in human bias. They are very similar, as my handedness quotient was 60 which is closer to 100 than to 0 (Ambi) which relates to…
Vulnerable Observer The intro to the paper was very detailed and descriptive. The writer made it very easy for me as the viewer to really see and feel what the situation must have rally benefice to experience firsthand. I would like to read more if I had more time to really get into the details of the discussion. The concept is one that I have not thought about before, and as I read I feel it’s something I should have been thinking about going into the field of psychology. Being the person to…