ARTS UNIT TEMPLATE REMOVE GUIDING COMMENTS (in italics) FROM BOXES AS YOU GO (including this one!) Front page Unit title (in the form of a question even if you are not doing an inquiry based unit. Title does not have to be deep and meaningful – it can be playful eg: Can We Trick you? for an optical illusion unit) Your name and number Course Summary : Year level Number of sessions Arts (s) areas covered: Other disciplines (where applicable) AUSVELS- interdisciplinary strands / Australian Curriculum -general capabilities Rationale: Remember what the rationale is worth and argue your points accordingly!!! The book to be used for the topic is “Teaching the Arts” by David Roy, 2015 2nd edition. The book is relayed in a clear and understandable language and hence it is easy to comprehend and interpret. This makes an…
When providing lessons in English Language Arts, teachers should include activities that encourage verbal collaborations, reading, and writing aspects. Moreover, these should be done with accommodations for any student with English language barriers based off of individual skills levels (Hardman, Drew, & Egan, 2013). Using Speaking / listening, reading, and writing activities in lessons is important, because they are all forms of producing and processing information with language; which would…
I am applying to the Integrated Teaching Through the Arts M.Ed. program. I currently work in arts education and have been searching for ways to connect my curriculum to core academic subjects. I believe that your program is suited to teach students to navigate this specific challenge. For me, one of the most exciting aspects of Lesley’s program is that it is structured in a way that will allow me to continue my work, and that I will be able to immediately apply my learning to my teaching and…
education system only provides limited arts curriculum in schools, for example music and visual arts and these classes were often cancelled due to the preparation for exams. However, I was fortunate to grow up in the family where my parents enjoyed various form of arts. As a child, my family often went to art exhibitions, musicals, concerts and festivals where I gained some knowledge and understanding of a range of arts. In addition to this, I undertook music lessons including piano, flute and…
American History’s Contributions to a Liberal Arts Education To have a liberal arts education in today’s society brings a major advantage in many aspects of life. Not only is the liberal arts teachings one of the oldest forms in American history, but it is established in many of the greater distinguished universities in the country. Liberal arts education poses a great chance to learn how to think, instead of what to think. It basis its teachings on the thoughts of Plato, Augustine, and many…
Act was signed into law in 2002, many people have been concern about children’s learning and academic achievement, especially parents and educators. In fact, teachers are always trapped in “teaching dilemmas” because each teaching method has different levels of pros and cons for students. Wiggins and McTighe (2005) suggested that for all of the choices that teachers have during a day of instruction, many fit into the category of a “dilemma” where there is no easy or perfect solution to pick. It…
Review 1 APA Format Constructivism in the Art Classroom In the article "Constructivism in the Art Classroom: Praxis and Policy" the author Christine Marme Thompson talks about constructivism most frequently practices in art training than it is explicitly invoked as an approach to curriculum or pedagogy. Arts education lends more towards constructivism, and constructivist learning it is described much like arts learning. Constructivism more frequently practices in art training than it is…
There are 3.6 million teachers in the United States. 97,500 of those teachers are fine arts teachers. Ever since I could pick up a pencil I have loved art. Not until 6th grade I actually got serious about it. I had an actual art teacher at my middle school, unlike my elementary school. She would give us assessments and make us talk about out piece in front of the class. She made sure only the people who really wanted to be in art was. There's a lot of important reasons we have art teachers, and…
The Arts exist in every aspect of our daily lives and it is one of the most important component in aiding children’s early development. Children naturally love art and since they were born, they were being exposed to art through media, songs, paintings and more. In recent years, school curricular in Australia have slowly prioritize Arts education and Australian National Curriculum had listed the Arts as a compulsory subject area in Australian schooling. Integrating the Arts into Primary context…
at the infinite martial arts school in gaithersburg. I chose to interview them because i have always had a interest in muay thai but have never got a chance to see how it was taught in mordern day. I also interviewed them to get input from martial arts teachers about how they came to teaching the martial art they practiced. When i was writing my questions i tried to be straight forward and clear with them to get a good answer. The questions i chose were one, how old were you when you started…