variables so they will be easier to interpret. Pair Type will be coded as 0 Acquaintances and 1 Friends and then the interactions will be computed. To create the 2-way interactions (Empathy X Social Self-Efficacy, Empathy X Pair Type, Social Self-Efficacy X Pair Type), each predictor variable will be multiplied with each of the other predictor variables. Additionally, Empathy, Social Self-Efficacy, and Pair Type will be multiplied together to create a 3-way interaction (Empathy X Social Self-Efficacy X Pair Type). Using SPSS, Empathy, Social Self-Efficacy, Pair Type, the three 2-way interactions, and the 3-way interaction term will be entered as predictors and Defending Behavior will be entered as the dependent variable. After the regression analyses, if the 3-way interaction is significant, differences between slopes will be tested. Additionally, to analyze the hypotheses related to assisting behavior, two bivariate correlations will be conducted in SPSS. For the first correlation, Assisting Behavior and Empathy will be entered as the variables and for the second correlation, Assisting Behavior and Social Self-Efficacy will be entered as the variables. Expected Results Expected results include a significant 3-way interaction, which provides evidence against the Gini and others (2008) theoretical model because Pair Type would moderate the 2-way interaction (Empathy X Social Self-Efficacy). Please see Figure 2 below. Specifically, for individuals who are…
Describe each scenario. What is happening? Where is this taking place? Who is the interaction between? The first scenario involves a romantic couple, they always come to class together and sit next to each other. The girl has said that she is in a relationship before when we had to do an activity, her boyfriend said something and she agreed with it and said “that’s mine” referring to the guy that always sits next to her. But even if she didn’t say that you could just tell that they are together.…
While the manager will need to increase presence during key times, her presence on the unit is part of the manager’s daily routine. Samantha and the manager will have discussed the need for observation when expectations were clarified, and Samantha will understand that observation is necessary to accurately assess her performance. Initial unease should fade as Samantha focuses on her patient and the objective of the conversation. Samantha and her manager will meet regularly to discuss…
These forces are so important, they are in existence throughout the entire universe. Black holes, the formation of planets, galaxies and stars are all because of gravity and these same celestial bodies have their own electromagnetic forces and the strong and weak nuclear forces are. Since everything in the universe is made of atoms, there is strong nuclear force everywhere around us. Also, because radioactive material decays over time, the weak nuclear force is important to our safety. The…
that sense, it can be detrimental if not used responsibly. As people are always caught up in their phones and what is happening on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and any other social media app. Overall, technology has the potential to be abused just like everything else. In today’s society, internet users compared to non-internet users spend less and less time with family and friends because of technology and how it changes the way we communicate with each other (Dixon, 2005). Furthermore, we…
This change could upset the teachers, students, and parents. As time goes on and there starts to be positive change in the students’ behaviors, the teachers will start to write more positive information in their daily log. Teachers will have less arguing in their classroom about recess issues, students will start to use more positive talk in the classroom, and everyone will start to feel more involved and included in the classroom. Common Themes Why the change in the recess structure? Not…
interacts with someone outside of their group, they are less likely to be prejudiced against members of that group. The positive interactions that takes place between people of different social groups is known as intergroup contact (Hewstone & Swart, 2011). The social group that a given person is a part of is known as the ingroup, while groups they are not a part of are known as outgroups. Though the idea is known as a hypothesis, it is backed up by a wealth of evidence that supports its…
peace of its citizens and between countries; the start of technological advancement progress through new innovations that prioritized entertainment and lifestyle; notable technological advancement; the domination of music and fashion; and economic boom and political dominance. Both generations showed remarkable accomplishments, but they have significant differences in terms of the social interaction; societal standards, technologies, relationship values, and education.…
as well as other infants. All of the children were engaged with one another or the toys, this engagement relates to the many benefits of the function of motor, social, and cognitive skills. After observing, I asked one of the teachers why there weren’t any tech savvy toys such as LeapFrog tablets. Although I can only imagine how a parent would feel if they walked in on their child glued to a tablet rather than using the environment around them. Her reply was that the toddlers would possibly…
mobility/portability, public privateness, private publicness, personalization, and last but not least, interactivity. In this essay, we will be focusing on interactivity within photography, cinema, television, and digital media. When the camera was first invented, it was not owned by many because of the fact that one was expensive and the photos were difficult to develop. After Mathew Brady popularized photography through his studio and Civil War gallery and after George Eastman invented the…