Getting my scholarship for Santa Fe, graduating high school, moving out of the house, moving into an apartment, getting a job, and now starting freshman year of college. It is insane! It feels like it was just yesterday that I graduated from Klein Oak. Seeing all my family tear up as I walked across that stage, getting my diploma. Being part of the graduation of the Class of 2018. Seeing the acceptance letter for Santa Fe, crying with my mom in happiness. Saying goodbye to all my friends, wishing them well. I remember everything. My parents were a little leery of letting me move to Florida and moving in with Michael at first. After being together for five years and waiting for the distance to finally close between us, I had to move in with him. Packing took forever. I had to take almost everything with me to Florida. Since we could not afford a plane ride there, my family decided to drive. A U-Haul full of my stuff and my parents and I on the road. I could tell that they were hurt to see me leave, but I could not stay at the house forever. The whole ride here, we sang and laughed and smiled and cried and danced. It was an awesome, but long thirteen hour drive.…
I recently visited Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall to view the Songs for the season. This was my first time ever attending a show. My first experience was great and I really enjoyed it. To begin I would like to say the production and the displays were magnificent. When I walked in even before the show began they gave the perfect lighting with the snowflakes projected on the closed curtains. They also projected a Christmas tree and sat nutcrackers on each side giving a great winter theme. As it…
hrs Ikhra called back reporting that her vehicle was now missing and she suspected Diriye took the vehicle but she did not see him actually take the vehicle. I went back to the address and contacted Ikhra and her mother, Isniino Osman. Isniino is the registered owner of the vehicle, but Ikhra is the primary driver of the vehicle. Isniino speaks little English, therefore, Ikhra processed as the translator. Isniino stated that she did not give anyone else beside Ikhra permission to borrow/use/…
The Santa Fe trail exhibits a rich and interesting history joined together by the people who traveled and the stories and cultures they carried with them. The exploration of the Santa Fe Trail unlocks the secrets of many questions. Who was the original founder of the trail? Who traveled it and why? When did the Santa Fe Trail experience the most frequent and constant usage? All questions can be uncovered just as the trail was discovered for many individuals. William Becknell is accredited…
“recognize that everyone in the group has a “variety of opinions and experiences which makes our group stronger. The group members want to share their ideas. Regardless, everyone is working to achieve their goal by providing the homeless and families with food and clothing. Reference Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (2015). Learning & Development using the sages of Team Development. Retrieved from…
Some of the lines say “So hang your stockings and say your prayers,” and “So let 's give thanks to the Lord above 'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.” This shows a combination of the two, secular and Christian elements, which would not seem to belong together. “He 's got a bag that 's filled with toys for boys and girls again”, this is obviously part of today’s legend, but it is also a part of the history of Saint Nicolas because it is reminiscent of the Dutch Children putting their shoes…
dog on a chain” (236). The man helped her get up. After the hunter helped Phoenix he asked where did she lived. Phoenix: Away back yonder, sir, behind the ridge. You can’t even see it from here. Hunter: On your way home? Phoenix: No sir, I going to town. Hunter: Why, that’s too far! That’s as far as I walk when I come out myself, and I get something for my trouble. Hunter: Now you go on home, Granny! Phoenix: I bound to go to town, mister. The time come around. (He gave another laugh, filling…
Growing up without any siblings is a life no one should have to live. At least that’s what I thought as a child. Struggling through family gatherings and visits to grandma’s house are no fun without someone to pester along the way. I couldn’t remember a time when I wasn’t asking my parents for a baby brother or sister. They refused to reason with me, so I took matters into my own hands. The upcoming Christmas I asked Santa Claus to bring me a younger sibling and he carefully considered my…
Spookley the Square Pumpkin is a musical about accepting each other’s differences. On Halloween one day on Holiday Hill Farm, Jack the scarecrow finds a pumpkin in the patch- only unlike the other pumpkins- Spookley is square. Much to the dislike of the others, the Toms, BoBo, and the Honeydoos, Spookley is bullied for being square. It’s only until Spookley saves the day with support from his new best friend spiders- Edgar, Allan, and Poe that the pumpkins realize being different is great after…
time. Got to the side walk, the white lights were shining very bright and gleaming on my freshly cleaned pearl white Lincoln Continental sitting on the street. I swear I heard that car hum as I went by. I said don’t worry I got you a free oil change for Christmas. On my second trip, around, I stopped and picked out a real, nice medium red bow and attached it to the front grill of the car. I stood back to make sure the bow was straight and secure. Finished outside and headed back to the house.…