stomach cancer stomach cancer or gastric cancer is cancer that occurs in the stomach it begins in the mucus producing cells on the inside lining of the stomach. Signs and symptoms that someone has a possible chance of have stomach cancer is that they might feel weak ,feeling swollen after eating, heartburn is severe, stomach pain, constant vomiting, unintentional weight loss. Types of stomach cancer that begins in the glaunder cells that line the inside of the stomach secrete a protective layer of mucus to shield the lining of the stomach from acidic digestive juices adenocarcinoma accounts for the great majority of all stomach cancer. Cancer…
Diagnosis, Symptoms, Types of Stomach Cancer and Treatments Stomach cancer or gastric cancer is cancer which develops within the stomach’s lining. According to National Cancer Institute, there are about 28.000 new cases of this cancer in 2017. Stomach cancer is actually rare compared to other types of cancer. However, its deadliest characteristic is that it doesn’t show any early symptoms. This makes it harder to treat. Diagnosis How is stomach cancer diagnosed? Note that early symptoms rarely…
Stomach Conditions Gastroesophageal reflux: Stomach contents, including acid, can travel backward up the esophagus. There may be no symptoms, or reflux may cause heartburn or coughing. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): When symptoms of reflux become bothersome or occur frequently, they’re called GERD. Infrequently, GERD can cause serious problems of the esophagus. Dyspepsia: Another name for stomach upset or indigestion. Dyspepsia may be caused by almost any benign or serious condition…
however, they are unknown of the most recent scientific discoveries. Doctors today do not suggest drinking milk as an acid blocker for acidic stomach and indigestion. They guarantee that milk is a strong acid producer and grows the danger of ulcers and acid reflux. Acidic Stomach Causes and Symptoms First, to understand further why milk is not a good option in this condition, it is necessary to know the root cause of acidic stomach. The high amount…
of regulation of stomach secretion. Cephalic phase. In the cephalic phase of gastric regulation, several types of stimuli act on the centers within the medulla oblongata that influence gastric secretions. These stimuli include the taste and smell of food, the stimulation of tactile receptors during the process of chewing and swallowing, and pleasant thoughts of food. Action potentials are sent from the medulla oblongata along parasympathetic neurons within the vagus nerves to the stomach.…
“You've heard that romance starts in the kitchen and not in the bedroom. Well, researchers at Drexel University finally have the science to support that saying -- but not the way you might think.” In the article, Stomach is the way to a woman’s heart, too, it was revealed that studies show that women’s brains responds more to romantic signals on a full stomach than on an empty one. The most recent finding, was based on a small pilot study, grew from Ely and her Drexel colleagues’ earlier work,…
Researchers have studied the epidemiology of cancer for centuries. Gastric or stomach cancer is a cancer that can start in different sections of the stomach. Different countries and regions have all shown fluctuating rates for stomach cancer during the past century. Until the late 1930s, stomach cancer was the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The incidence rates have decreased by 1.7% for men and 0.8% for women annually from 1992 to 2010 (American Cancer Society). Still…
During the fall, the sun shines towards the old brick buildings while students walk to class wearing warm, comfy jackets at Bates College. This fall, I had the privilege to explore Bates through the the Bates Prologue II.On my second day in the program, I attended the “NYS/PY 160 Introduction to Neuroscience” class with professor Nancy Koven. Throughout her lesson on the “Brain-Stomach relationship”, I was able to witness her magnificent teaching skills which made the concepts easy to understand…
Natural Treatment of the Symptoms of Helicobacter Pylori Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that causes chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) among people. Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of stomach and duodenal ulcers. According to statistics, 90% of people with stomach ulcer test positive for Helicobacter pylori. Characteristics of Helicobacter pylori This gram-positive spiral bacteria discovered by Warren and Marshall in 1984. They found the bacteria in the stomach…
The body makes secretin when chyme enters the duodenum of the small intestines. Like others, secretin is made by special cells in the duodenum. As we have learned for some of the other hormones, secretin targets the stomach to make less enzymes and acid, and to make the mixing action slow down. More importantly, though, secretin also causes the liver to make more bile, while causing the pancreas to make bicarbonate ions. Bicarbonate ions are very important for the duodenum because in order…