Psychodynamic Approaches Comparison Essay Psychodynamics is the psychology of mental or emotional forces or processes developing especially in early childhood and their effects on behavior and mental states (Merriam Webster Incorporated, 2017). There are three main factors in psychodynamics such as, Psychoanalysis, Analytical and Individual theories that help treat a client or patient. Many counselors and therapist utilize a variety or psychodynamic approaches because not one client or patient fits into the same category. Each client has a unique makeup to his or her own illness or addiction struggle. Having a well-rounded outlook on beliefs that target the clients needs will help with a successful treatment. The psychodynamic approach…
them nor help with any kind of child support. She works full time and does her best to support her children. Even though she does not enjoy her job and the pay isn’t the best she has not found something else that works well with her schedule. She was struggling with feelings of hopelessness, sadness, fatigue and appetite loss so she decided to meet with a psychiatrist and was later diagnosed with depression. Comer 2014, describes “depression as a low, sad state in which life seems dark and its…
Psychodynamic therapies will enable John to connect the past to the present behavior as well as examine unresolved interpersonal conflicts that arise from childhood experiences. From a psychodynamic perspective, there are two important treatment goals for John. The first is to develop a healthy style of life that reflects the social interest. Social interest has positive effects on one’s health, life satisfaction, job, and social life. John needs a sense of belonging, to be a part of the…
Two psychotherapy styles described in the text are exposure therapy, which falls under the category of Behavior/Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), which falls under the category of Psychodynamic Therapy. According to the text, the general idea of exposure therapy is to flood the client with stimuli that previously caused them fear/anxiety or avoidance. Interpersonal psychotherapy is considered an empirical psychoanalytic alternative to other techniques of…
John is a 16-year-old who has recently undergone an intervention to address his violent behavior towards both family and strangers. John now finds himself in a residential treatment home, where he receives group and individual therapy sessions. Throughout this paper, I will examine John’s case through the psychodynamic perspective. The psychodynamic perspective incorporates many ideas from Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. The psychodynamic approach focuses on the idea that people react…
One boy saw that his friend was struggling to fix his broken toy, so he ask his friend if it is broke. His friend did not respond the first time nor the second time he asked. So the little boy just grabbed the broken toy and shared his fixed toy with his friend. Sigmund Freud’s psychodynamic theory explains how the superego of pre-schoolers, consist of a moral agent (Pitman, 2015, PowerPoint). Although the little boy was aware of his friend struggle and shared his toy, his friend did not…
Plaut, 2001). Notably, Freud did admit to not being well-versed with female matters. Also, Freud was known for bulling his patients into accepting his explanations and ignoring counterevidence (Carole Wade & Carol Tavris, 2012). To conclude, Freud is not to be solely ridiculed for his philosophy. Many psychodynamic theories have three major faults: violating the principle of falsifiability, drawing universal principles from the experiences of a few unique patients, and basing theories of…
Psychodynamic Theory Sigmund Freud conception of the mind was two-dimensional. The Psychodynamic Theory focuses on conscious, the preconscious and the unconscious processes as they are manifested in the client’s behavior. The goal of this theory is for the client to have self-awareness and understanding of their past and present behavior. The Psychodynamic Theory helps the client to examine unresolved conflicts that arise from the past. The second dimension of the mind was composed of the id,…
In his essay “The Uncanny”, Sigmund Freud attempts to explain the concept of “the uncanny” by using two methods: defining the word through language and analyzing individual experiences. In order to support his claims and illustrate the notion of “the uncanny”, he uses E.T.A. Hoffman’s story “The Sandman”. Despite the fact that this text is intriguing and at first sight appealing, Freud fails to convince his readers that he has discovered the true meaning of “the uncanny” because he struggles…
easy going. As a toddler their was no separation anxiety on his part, no histerical crying, and he was not afraid to try new things like sand, moving water and balance beams with a little assistance. I was amazed but also relieved but reading the chapter it all makes sence. He learned to become more and more independent, comfortered when it was necessary and there was a consistent routine. “Ego Psychology” seems to be interconnected with “Realtional theories, with a Focus on object relations”.…