In this paper I will be observing a little girl by the name of Lillian. I have studied her stages of development by having her come to my house to play with my mother, sisters, her mother, her younger sister, and myself. My family has been closely affiliated with this little girl and her family since Lilly was very young, even before her little sister Maddie, who is now one and a half, was conceived. I chose to observe Lillian because of the fact that I have been able to watch her grow and can reference older milestones in her development I have previously witnessed. In this paper I am going to observe Lilly’s actions over the course of several hours, and see how it correlates to the theories we have learned in psychology thus far. Lillian,…
Developmental issues Freud would say that Ariel is stuck in the Anal phase of Freud’s stages of Psychosexual development. She is anal explosive. At the beginning of the book, King Triton, Ariel’s father, can’t find her at the family concert. He is enraged when she shows up after the concert because she disobeyed him after he told her she was not allowed to go to the surface, or her grotto any longer. Ariel was very disorganised with her time management because she lost track of time while…
Freudian or Neo-Freudian Psychoanalytic Social Theory is constructed on the idea that our culture and our social environment, such as childhood experiences, contribute in shaping our personality. Karen Horney is “one of the three most influential women in the history of psychoanalysis” (Funder, 2016). Horney’s theory gives a great definition of neurosis by allowing us to have a different view of a neurosis. During Horney’s clinical experience she addressed ten particular patterns of a neurotic…
Personality Freud’s Personality Structure and Ego Defense Mechanisms Personality is not a readily defined concept. Different psychologists have different personality theories. For this chapter, we will learn about the personality theories of Sigmund Freud Carl Jung And, take the Enneagram Personality test. This week we will learn about Sigmund Freud’s personality theory, ego defense mechanisms, and explore the ego in more depth. Freud described the mind as if it were divided into three…
In the essay Civilisation and Its Discontent, Sigmund Freud analyses societies and tries to make sense of human behaviors, beliefs, desires, fears, and impulses. Throughout the essay, Freud reveals indirectly that society is on a decline. The first theoretical perspective found in Civilisation and its Discontent is the id, the ego, and the superego. This is the foundation of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic personality theory. According to Freud, when an infant is born it is only equip with the…
Freud states that a child gains knowledge is when he/she masters their anal gland. Russon finds that mastery and resistance are not adequate in relating to an instance of gaining knowledge. Though a child masters his/her bowel movements, this does not account for the child gaining knowledge because the child does not go through this process objectively. Freud finds that people find reality in the world due to resistance from society for pursuing desires and resistance placed upon by parents.…
Freud’s Psychodynamics According to Freud’s Psychodynamic theory, human behavior is driven by the pleasure principle. Human nature tends to be drawn towards positive rewarding opportunities versus negative disciplined experiences (The School of Life, 2014). In addition, the mind is comprised of three competing parts: Id, Ego, and the Superego. The Id is made up of two basic instincts of sex and aggression whereas the Superego represents morality. The Ego which develops later in life helps…
This stage lasts from the time when children are three years old to when they are five to six years old. The erogenous area of focus at this stage is the genital area and children discover differences between the sexes of their parents, and they feel that the parents of the same sex are their rival. Boys view their fathers as rivals for motherly affection, while girls view their mothers as rivals for fatherly affection. At this stage, girls develop penis envy while boys develop castration…
The two theories are of the stand that human development occurs in a series of predetermined stages. Freud and Erikson, both believed that the child’s personality depends on a success in going through all stages. However, there are many differences existing between the theories such as the names of the stages and the developmental issues. Freud’s theory describe the development only based on sexuality, whereas; in Erikson’s theory , he gives a description of the impact that social experience has…
Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development Freud’s theory of psychological development described how the personality developed over the course of childhood. While the theory is well-known in psychology, it is also one of the most controversial. Freud believed that personality developed through a series of childhood stages in which the pleasure-seeking energies of the id become focused on certain erogenous zones. This psychosexual energy – “libido” – was posited as one of the basic primal…