person’s whole life time, more emphasis is placed on the ego as an independent part of the personality, and cultural and historic forces also shape personality instead solely biological forces (Schultz & Schultz, 2013, p. 162). Addison’s development can be analyzed by the first six of the eight stages of development described by Erikson, and her current behavior and personality can be traced back to successes and difficulties in specific stages. Addison’s development appears to have been mostly healthy until the latency stage, industriousness versus inferiority, which occurs at between the ages of 6 to 11, and is the stage that children first begin to experience the social and academic settings of school (Schultz & Schultz, 2013, p. 168). Addison did not develop a sense of industriousness during this stage as shown by her insecurity surrounding her academic ability throughout high school, but she later overcame her feeling of inferiority by finishing her bachelor’s degree. Addison does not appear to be struggling with her identity as she know exactly what she wants to do with her life despite working in an unrelated field. However, Addison seems to be struggling with intimacy as shown by her constant fights with her boyfriend and isolates herself from her coworkers by being overly defensive…
drive for an individual in their life. This begins in childhood with normal feelings of inferiority towards others, particularly parents and siblings (Burger, 2008). As a child you are dependent for survival on stronger and more knowledgeable human beings, as the child becomes older feelings of inferiority arises as they realise their weaknesses in contrast to others. These feelings ensure us to strive for development and achievement (Hewstone, Fincham and Foster, 2005). As a child, Paul felt…
John’s self-report suggested that he was vey likely raised in a pampered environment, since John’s parents provided him with everything that he needed growing up. John’s problem seems to stem from family environment and childhood experiences. He felt he was unable to catch his parents’ attention and cannot impress them, and this inability led to the development of inferior complex in John, which subsequently influenced his style of life. He developed a style of life characterized by feeling of…
horrific events of the Holocaust, which unavoidably passed on through to the next generation, onto Art. Art ultimately feels guilty of the fact that he did not have to suffer through the war and “can’t imagine what it felt like” to have endure what they had. Art also feels inferior to his father. He feels as though his life has no meaning or purpose as he explains “no matter what I accomplish it doesn't seem like much compared to surviving Auschwitz”. This shows Arts feelings of inferiority,…
saying “Ça y est !” John Elkhoury (2014, Nov) “Ça y est (pronounced: sigh-ay) is a little French expression that has two main meanings. It’s usually a replacement of the word “finally” in French, « c’est fait / enfin ». However, it’s also an expression that can be used when you find something you were looking for.” The use of sexist language is common in contexts where we have both male and female persons either working or in a learning environment. It is common for males to dominate by…
The short story “A Mere interlude” written by Thomas Hardy makes effective use of narrative voice to reveal the intentions of Hardy in crafting such a story. The irony of the title, as what was supposed to be “A Mere Interlude”, Baptista’s short and tragic marriage to her ex-lover Charles Stow, eventually takes form as a major turning point in her life. It subjects her to much emotional turmoil and eventually leads her back to the one thing she hoped to escape from through her marriage to…
throughout our childhood. I’ve had to mature quicker and help my mother since my father was always on the road for work. I’ve had to become a second caretaker as well as a leader and a teacher. Therefore, I had a lot of pressure put on myself in order to lead by example. Unfortunately, that lead to consequences, growing up if I ever did something wrong or something that was unapproved of my father would tell my brother “Don’t do what your sister did” which lead to profound feelings of…
space, where at my own pace I could warm up to an unfamiliar environment. On the other hand, regression has hurt my advancement, since it cut me off from my peers. When I am extremely quiet, people tend to not really crave to know me, thence causing me to feel slightly uncomfortable. All in all, regression, in a way, has stunted my development by secluding me from my pears, yet assisted in my growth by helping to impel me to be comfortable in foreign surroundings. Compensation Growing up, in…
apologizing for who she is and changing to present herself as redeemable. Piercy writes that the girl butchers her body to please the crowd and is given what she could not have in life, approval, which is to say that these standards cannot be reached in life. In a broad sense, conformity in appearance strangles individuality and only victimizes individuals. Looking closer, these paradigms disproportionally impact specific populations. African Americans are treated differently because of their…
1. According to Bradley, the following acts will cause a Spartan to become inferior; the first would be from being the offspring of a helot mother and Spartan father this means that the father had become a full Spartiate by completing the tasks of manhood this group of inferiors was classified as the Partheniai. The second would be a male child helot was being adopted by a Spartiate family as a playmate to the family’s boy. These children would then continue the same training as the boy, this…