Jenry Martin PHI103: Informal Logic (ACL1606A) Instructor: Stephen Krogh February 22, 2016 Is it important to teach the arts and humanities to children? Main argument: Premise 1: Humanities class gives kids sense about where they come from. Premise 2: Humanities helps kid to develop skills they need to grow up. Premise 3: Art relaxes your mind. Premise 4: Art helps kids to express their emotions. Conclusion: therefore kids should be taught humanities Counterargument: Premise 1: art classes are a drain to the economy. Premise 2: art educations are considered a distraction. Conclusion: therefore humanities and art are a waste of time.…
with the right style of leadership, especially supportive and participative (Lussier & Achua, 2007). This internal locus of control can explain my desire to communicate actively with my leader throughout the project. This is also the only characteristic that has consistently been linked to effective followership, although the research in this field is rather new (Lussier & Achua, 2007). In addition to my knowledge of both the project and the task, I brought several character traits that are…
Informal fallacies appeal to the ignorance of an inadequately supported argument and can be observed in everyday scenarios. Although many are incognizant of their effect on communication, being aware of the format of an argument can aid an individual in reaching their desired conclusion to any situation they are encountered with. When an argument is presented with limited alternatives, the omission of other choices provides the argument with a false dilemma causing the arguer in the discussion…
was the use of a comma after an introductory phrase. The example from my ED three is this sentence: “In my experience, Pinterest is a good way…” The were a few cases in my ED three that I corrected the lack of such comma. The second grammar tool that I used to better my writing was the semicolons and colons. I have used semicolons before, however I made it a goal to use them correctly and to correct the wrongly placed ones in my assignment. The example from my draft of this is in this sentence:…
I am a sports analyst for a radio station in Ghana called Gaskiya Fm transmitting on the frequency 105.5 mhz and on tunein as Gaskiya Fm. Recently, there was a conflict encountered at Gaskiya Fm and I will like to share it and analyse it with the critical thinking tools studied at UoPeople. A standard radio sports show in Ghana should last for a duration of two hours. 30 minutes dedicated to foreign news, 30 minutes for local news, 40 minutes for analysis of the news and 20 minutes for…
Introduction The informal economy interestingly can be known as the black economy, shadow economy, informal sector or gray economy due to its diverse activities and driven motives . Scholars argue that the informal economy is hard to measure because of the difficulty in defining the activities. Layman’s term the informal economy is the set of activities purposely done to escape from government reach or regulations, and this includes criminal activities. Ukranian Ministry of Economy, define…
2 Is panhandling really solving any problems? Panhandlers will be seen on the sidewalks, exit ramps and on the side of the highway receiving money or donations from people passing by in cars. Panhandlers begging people for money on the side of the road does not solve any problems. They are not solving the problem that they are homeless or the problem that they do not contribute anything positive to society. They do not help themselves by taking money out of people’s pockets to help themselves. …
In many colleges, it is preferred that professors make a good first impression. The way a professor dresses can cause many speculations. It is known that a professor 's attire influences a student’s perceptions. It can set a tone, an image, that can greatly impact the students opinions and can create either a positive or negative atmosphere. In colleges, a professor 's relationship with students is seen as a role model or an authoritative figure and their attire can greatly affect that. It can…
Achieving Attire Throughout this course I have had many encounters on what it means to be a good leader. Some examples would be passion, preparation, business planning, team work, motivation, and etc. However, the main lesson that really stood out to me is the importance of attire. We tend to think that our clothes are just clothes. However, in the world of business and leadership attire takes on a whole other meaning. At the beginning of the semester, we learned what proper casual and formal…
A wedding invitation usually does not express what is to be worn in words. Invitations traditionally indicate the appropriate attire by the time of day and location of the event. An unwritten dress code can have many types of attire associated, informal or formal. It is essential to understand the invitation’s wording and pay attention to the time the wedding will take place, as that will be the guide for the attire. For an afternoon event, acceptable clothes can be colorful and a dress or…