impact weapons such as pepper spray, batons, tasers and pepper balls that could ultimately cause an uproar throughout the rest of the population. The correctional facility is built to accommodate to the officers as where a gym is an open invite for trouble to arise and the situation to go downhill in a…
Medical statistics for inmates in the United States view statistics from both state and federal correctional systems with a focus on the medical needs of the correctional population. The survey covers both male and female offenders from the age of 24 and younger to 45 and older aswell as a variety of races (Maruschak, 2005). The Survey of Medical Problems of Prisoners the medical problems that the survey focuses on are: ARTHRITIS, ASTHMA, CANCER,DIABETES, HEART PROBLEMS, HYPERTENSION, KIDNEY…
Correctional Goals Auston Smyth Arizona State University CRJ 240/Fall 2016 1. The problem of conflicting goals is potentially one involving a lack of resources and a lack of training and expertise to make respective progress. The goals within corrections programs are varied. According to our text, the goals and objectives of community corrections mainly do include operational effectiveness that serves the fundamental needs and ensures the protection and safety of the public. Because of…
account a large portion of Canada’s inmates. Problems persist on how correctional facilities deal with the needs of the Aboriginal people, the complexity of their cultures makes it hard for corrections to treat them like any other inmate. For this reason the aboriginals go through different cultural interventions that help rehabilitate within the corrections or through their communities. While Canadians correctional institutions are setting in Policies such as to further meet the needs…
Therefore the operational facilities have to handle a bigger population. Overcrowding in the correction facilities causes tension, prisoners group into gangs for protection and this poses a great security risk. Better management skills could help resolve the overcrowding issue, the professional can assist the correctional facilities managers draw better inmate management and resources plans. iii. Limited collaboration Correction departments lack appropriate collaboration, with departments and…
Care of Correctional Population Correctional environments offer a unique health care environment different from typical community healthcare settings. This is largely due to the assortment of individual making up the population which varies in age, gender, and other health issues. It is important to promote health care services within correctional facilities to promote human rights. Although conditions inside of correctional facilities are not ideal preventive services are put in place such as…
For many years throughout history, much debate and controversy has been sparked with respect to Canada’s correctional system and criminal justice system. Canada’s criminal justice system has thrived/strived to work as a consolidated unified entity aimed at reducing, maintaining, and preventing crime and criminal activity. However, great controversy remains as to whether or not Canada’s criminal justice system is effective. It can be argued, for example, that Canada’s system of criminal justice…
Mental Illness in the Prison System The correctional system in the United States has undergone shifts from incarceration and punishment to rehabilitation at various times over time demonstrating a need for policy and legislation that meets the needs of both offenders and members of the community. Fluctuations in opposing policies reflect the cultural values and social norms of the times, but treatment and care for incarcerated adults and juveniles who suffer from mental illness is an issue that…
The role of correctional nurses in federal prisons is one of great importance. In 2010, there were over 700 nurses employed by the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) (Canadian Nurses Association, 2010). Most of these nurses were the primary health care providers for the majority of the 23,062 inmates incarcerated in one of the 53 federal penitentiaries in Canada, representing 0.081 percent of the Canadian population (Reitano, 2016). The most prevalent health issue in Canadian federal prisons…
The Effects of Correctional Education and Recidivism “Education Reduces Crime, Three-State Recidivism Study” As the costs of incarcerating offenders progressively increases and overtaxes the prison system and taxpayers as well, it is time to reconsider correctional education as an alternative method in dealing with prisoner recidivism. Today the solution to an overcrowded prison system is to build more correctional facilities, although that resolution does not address the primary problem of…