Reasons Why Should School Start Later Essay

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    Later School In a recent survey 97% of students in YHS say we should start school later. Schools should start be able to start school later. First reason is because students will be more healthier than kids that wake up early for school.. Second is there will be less tardies because they will have more time to get ready for school. Lastly, students will have more time to sleep because they will not need to wake up so early for school. These are the reasons why school should start later. School should start later because kids will be more healthier waking up later. School Time For Adolescents states “Furthermore, a substantial body of research has now demonstrated that delaying school start times is an effective countermeasure to chronic…

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    Less Likely: Reasons Why Schools Should Start Later Most students go to school early, come home longing for sleep, and stay up long hours into the night doing homework. However, this is detrimental to their health and performance. Many school boards assume that tired teenagers are just part of the high school experience. They do not see sleep deprived teenagers as being a big enough problem to change the school start times. On the other hand, many sleep experts recommend that schools begin…

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    “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”- Albert Einstein. Schools should start later because of three things health, stress and sleep. Students will perform better if school starts later. 3 reasons why schools should later is its unhealthy, it causes stress, and low grades equal less sleep more sleep equals higher grades. First of all it’s unhealthy for teens to wake up early to go to school. This causes lack of work 28% of students fall asleep during…

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    All Schools Should Start Later In The Morning High schools should begin later in the morning because, it will give teachers and students more time to rest, teachers can have more time to plan lessons, and it gives more time for parents to spend with their children. One of the reasons why high school should begin later in the morning is because it will give student and teachers more time to rest. For example, “Later start times can mean less missed school — absences dropped 15% in Bonneville…

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  • Improved Essays

    Mandatory Change Have you ever gone to school and almost fell asleep because of how early you had to wake up? Schools simply start much too early in the morning and they should begin much later on in the day. I chose to provide facts about just why this is because I am one of those students with a wistful yearning for more sleep. This affects all teachers, parents, school staff, but most of all, students. Schools need to start much later on in the day than they currently do because there would…

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  • Improved Essays

    Act like you are walking to class and you see your classroom and you walk in and everybody was asleep and your teacher starts yelling telling them to wake up. But they don’t wake up so you are the only one awake because you had enough sleep. School should start later because students need to do better in school and for their health. Mostly all students tend to do better in school when they have better sleep. Some kids come to school so tired even when they go to bed early. Students also…

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  • Improved Essays

    My article is going to be on why schools should start later due to lack of sleep. I chose this article because I agree with the fact that students need more sleep, because I am a student and when I have plans the night before and then I have no choice but to stay out late, then I have to get up at five thirty in the morning. The main reason I chose this article was because it fits my problem and millions of other kids problems. Then another reason is because some schools start at six to six…

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  • Improved Essays

    Later start time for school My claim is that middle schools and high schools should have a later start time. Here are my reasons why. One reason why we should have a later start time is because. When I asked a few of my friends if we should have a later start time, they said yes. I asked why and they said, “That way kids won’t be so stressed about having to wake up early.” I agree with this and it seems as though experts agree as well. There is proof that insufficient sleep can cause obesity,…

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  • Decent Essays

    Would you want to start school later? I would want to start later and so does a lot of people. There are 78% that want to start later and 22% that do not want to start later. Also studies have shown that school should start later. Also right now just 15 percent of high schools start at 8:30 or later, and 40 percent start before 8 a.m. The first reason why, is people are more stress in the morning trying to get ready and not to be late. People have said that some people don’t get a good…

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  • Decent Essays

    Why should schools start later in the morning? Have you wondered why school starts so early in the morning and tried to make school start later in the morning? Some of the reasons why the school should start later are that how much sleep students should get each night, how starting in the morning so early makes students not focus as well as should be, and how the students would benefit from school starting later. One reason why the school should start later in the morning is because…

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