The Revolution was sparked by the National Assembly, which also helped continue the revolution. The National Assembly was a group formed from the people of the third Estate. The third Estate wanted each person to get a vote, instead of each Estate, this is because the third Estate could have 600 people rather than 300. The National assembly did have an effect on the French Revolution, but it was not a lasting one. The National Assembly could have been crucial to the French Revolution if it weren’t for the extreme views of the people of France. The National Assembly was formed by the people of the Third Estate because of a situation during the Estates General. The Estates General occurred in 1789, and it hadn’t been called since 1614. It was called because France was in debt, and King Louis XVI wanted the Second Estate to pay taxes. The voting system was that each Estate got a vote. That means that the first 2 Estates could…
France claimed Vietnam, they introduced the country to European culture, as well as to Communism. Which is an ideology originating in Europe. Then “by forcing the Viet Minh government to lead national resistance against colonialism, the French inadvertently helped the Communists acquire much-needed legitimacy.” However, after Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia in 1978, 835,000 Vietnamese people were displaced and the image of people “perishing as sea and crowding camps in neighboring countries had…
third estate fought back, for if they did vote by head the third estate would have the advantage over the other two estates. They held meetings and elected deputies to write down their grievances, by doing this they thought the king would solve all their problems, but then France experienced a food shortage. During this time many of the poorest people went hungry as prices rose, and because high unemployment rates they were not able to work in the textile factories, so they used it to fight…
American Revolution and the colonies fight for independence from British control, the ideal of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness was a catalyst for the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789. The National Constituent…
memorable. When I was younger,I wasn't the most tamed child, I had a tendency of getting into mischief. I Even once received ten minutes on the wall for getting into trouble. Time on the wall also meant how long you got held from recess. It was anywhere from stealing a pencil, to going onto the forbidden Monkey Bars. One day I went a little too far, and got twenty minutes on the wall. The whole second grade knew about the little scene I created in at the assembly. This all started with a…
Back to the Past The upcoming week is Spring Formal Dance at Phoenix High School. Students are passing notes, asking their crushes to the dance. Some students test their limits to go big, making posters saying, “Would you go to Spring Formal with me?”, and buying bouquets or chocolates or candy; who would ever say, “no” to that. Grace and her squad; Mason, Daisy, Olivia, and Maya; planned to walk together into the assembly. The assembly was authorized to inform the students about the Spring…
damn is the history we make today.” Nevertheless, despite Ford’s famous quote, he is now a distinguished leader in history who is well-known for the creation of his low-priced automobiles, the improvement of the assembly line, and the business-labor relationships that he developed. Since the creation of Ford’s assembly line of automobiles, America and the entire world has been significantly impacted in multiple and distinguishable ways that many did not imagine to be possible. There is no doubt…
Company Overview: New products and new services are developed every day; however, based on the industry of my current profession in transportation the company and product selected is Thomas Built Buses and school bus designs. Thomas Built Buses originated back in 1916 in North Carolina during World War 1 as streetcar manufacturer. It wasn’t until the 1930’s when the company started actually manufacturing and developing the school bus product. It took the company until the 1960’s to actually…
The Royal Commission on the Constitution as ‘ the delegation of central government powers without the relinquishment of sovereignty’. In other words, devolution means power is given from Westminster to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, providing them greater control over their own affairs, as well as the authority to make their own laws in certain areas. Yet, this does not promise full independence as Westminster still retains power over key areas such as defence. Devolution started when…
Henry Ford is commonly associated as the man who invented both the automobile and the assembly line, however, the actual inventors of these devices are Karl Benz and Ransom E. Olds, respectively. Nonetheless, Ford can be attributed with the modifications to the production of the car and the assembly line that made them successful. Unsatisfied with a life of farming, Henry Ford became an apprentice to a mechanic and his career as an engineer only grew from that point on. In the 1940’s, despite…