The period of 1792 to 1795, or commonly regarded as the ‘Reign of Terror’ served as a vital turning point for the French Revolution and effectively, the future of France. This period of time was distinguished by the fall of monarchy and the creation of the National Convention. Additionally. the Reign of Terror demonstrated more brutal punishments for counter revolutionaries and foreign enemies, in the hunt for freedom and liberty by French revolutionaries. The events that would take place under the Reign of Terror, would shape the outcome and effectiveness of the French Revolution. The year of 1792 was characterised by an outbreak of Revolutionary Wars and the establishment of The French Republic by the National Convention.…
Since Obama mentions the convention, the setting is occurring in the National Convention in the year of 2004. Many people attend this National Convention, so Obama was very thankful to be there because he would be noticed. The intended audience for Obama’s speech is a great amount of people who attended this convention and also people from all over the world because the National Convention is an occasion where many people watch. Obama’s point is to say how he feels about America because He says,…
National convention is something that I have been looking forward to ever since my older sister left on the bus for her first trip to National convention in Louisville, Kentucky. I have been working towards this opportunity since my very first FFA meeting as a freshman in highschool. I was encouraged to join FFA by my mothers family. My grandparents, mother and, uncle all participated in FFA and loved to see the tradition carry on! This past year I was an active member and did not miss more…
with the people hindered forward progress. (Noble, pg.572). During this time the deputies began founding clubs and private societies. One of the clubs formed during this time that would prove to be a significant club during the Revolution was the Jacobin Club. Clubs like the Jacobin Club had strong political opinion that really put pressure on the government. Another issue that began to arise was the fact that the country was still in debt so the National Assembly began to come up with ideas on…
execute anyone to the guillotine that outspoken him or were against his theories taking into consideration that through his high position was capable of acting on his ideals and did this by enacting the Reign of Terror. When he spoke of his ideals against the Revolution towards the public, they were captivated by his passion and thus, Robespierre was a representation of all the voices that had been silenced. It is estimated that around 25,000 deaths occurred due to the opposing of Robespierre’s…
violence. The Revolution was sparked by the National Assembly, which also helped continue the revolution. The National Assembly was a group formed from the people of the third Estate. The third Estate wanted each person to get a vote, instead of each Estate, this is because the third Estate could have 600 people rather than 300. The National assembly did have an effect on the French Revolution, but it was not a lasting one. The National Assembly could have been crucial to the French…
On Thursday, October 22, 2015, I took part in the National FFA Convention. Keynote speaker, Rick Rigsby, spoke about the impact of wise teachers and parents, and how with that knowledge, the students of the FFA, could make a difference. Rigsby is the president of Rick Rigsby Communications and founder of Rick Rigsby Ministries in Dallas, Texas. He is a popular speaker at colleges and public schools, and speaks before top corporations on Wall Street. Rick’s speech was held at the Bankers Life…
decided to go home for a bit. We had been non-stop working for three months, and we were drained. After about a month or two of staying in Florida, we got word of a petition in Arizona going for six dollars a signature! That was higher than we had ever seen it. Josh and I made it for the last two weeks of the campaign, and between the two of us, made over four thousand dollars. After Arizona, we all piled into a short blue bus and headed to Ohio. Ohio was beautiful, and I thoroughly enjoyed…
The National Convention tried to make France a stable and prosperous society by giving all men the right to vote. They created the committee of public safety. It was made up of 12 members and they had absolute power, which they used to try to save the revolution. Since the country was threatened by many other countries trying to put an end to their revolution, the committee forced military draft for all French males. Everyone had to pay so that they can contribute to the war effort. The…
Once upon a time, there was a gathering place for many Apostolic Christian teens across America to flock to. Every other year it was in Nashville, Tennessee or Indianapolis, Indiana. On this particular year, it was in Nashville, and everyone, young person was excited for the friends they would make and blessings they would receive. The name of this convention was the National Youth Convention, or NYC for short. A fourteen, almost fifteen, year old girl named Emily was ecstatic to see all the…