Lying, with the end goal of receiving medical attention and sympathy, is not a new concept. Although it was not until the mid-1800s that Factitious disorder was officially recognized, evidence shows instances of Malingering dating back as far as the Roman times; from Odysseus in the Trojan War, to the physician Galen (Rogers 19). Munchausen Syndrome was first described by Asher in 1951, with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy first being in diagnosed in 1977 (Feldman 1). More recently, in the last 10-15 years, the increasing popularity of the internet and the ease of access to information online has introduced the idea of health-related online deception, Munchausen by Internet (MbI) in 2000 (Feldman 1). For decades, Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) had been rarely diagnosed or discussed; when asked what MSbP, most people will draw a blank. Diagnostically, MSbP had only been documented 120 times in the 50 years following its initial diagnosis (McLellan 1). In an era where information wasn’t readily…
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a term often used when a caregiver or spouse fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their care, with the primary motive of gaining attention or sympathy from others. Munchausen syndrome by proxy should be considered as both crime and physiological disorder. This is because, if a person injects something toxic in the body of his/her or their children; that person may not fake to be ill but also, she or he will…
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Statistical Review Munchausen syndrome by proxy transpires on both male and female, with the majority of cases being a female figure. O’ Reilly (2010) stated that in more than 95 percent of the cases, the abusive parent was the biological mother (p. 875). Even though Munschusen syndrome by proxy (MSP) cases are considered rare, the incidence of this form of child abuse is still high. Gosselin (2014) stated that Munchausen syndrome by proxy is known to affect as…
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) is defined by a behavior pattern in which a caregiver fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their care. With deception at the core, Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome is an elusive, possibly lethal, and frequently misunderstood form of child abuse that is incredibly difficult to define, detect, and confirm. The victims of MBPS are usually children, typically around pre-school age but there have been documented…
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Most individuals know that child abuse exists but do not realize that there are different ways to harm a child. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, or factitious disorder, being one of them, a term that not many have heard of. Munchausen by Proxy will be defined, know how it came about, shown in different settings, such as educational and medical, and know the warning signs of this disorder. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is an unusual form of child abuse in which…
Introduction Munchausen syndrome by proxy was given the name by Dr. Roy Meadow in 1977. He figured out the name when he had two cases that had similar symptoms to those of Munchausen syndrome but were projected onto children by mothers who fabricated the symptoms. In the cases that he had one mother put her own blood into the child’s urine and the other case was of a mother who poisoned her toddler with excessive amount of salt. Many terms have been used to describe this diagnosis like…
to an end. Due to the constant use of electronics instead of human interaction it could be said that we as people are actually being demoralized, and are losing ground on how we can sympathize for one another . Due to the obvious effects electronics have on humans it could be argued the best course of action at the current time would be to restrict the use of electronics connected to the internet in our society. Technology wasn’t always considered “bad”…
Speed, Security and Law Factors that influence the performance of a website There are many factors of the user that would influence the performance of a website. One main thing is the client’s connection speed. What I mean by this is that the faster the person on the pc’s connection speed is, the quicker text and images will load. If we look at a website that hosts videos like YouTube, the quicker the clients internet speed is, the quicker the video can be rendered, and in a larger quantity…
definitions and perceptions come to mind. The most common definition is the given right to say and do anything. This definition is too vague and can be interpreted the wrong way, so there should be some restrictions on what people say and do. Any act that is illegal or life-threatening should never be justified when someone uses their right to freedom. However, restrictions such as censorship, political correctness, and behavioral advertising all take away the right to freedom from everyone.…
How the Internet is Changing the Way We Think The Internet is a continuously growing aspect in today’s society, especially in the terms of how it affects the way we think. Google, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are just a few of the several sites that people today are constantly craving gratification from. The Internet has taken actions in many categories that affect the way we think such as our attention, memory, and even the perception of ourselves. In this age of technology the Internet…