The Doomsday Seed Vault: The Syrian War Prompts First Withdrawal There is a "doomsday" vault built in an Arctic mountainside to safeguard global food supplies. Now for the first time since the vault was opened on the Svalbard archipelago in 2008, seeds have been withdrawn. The original intent or charter if you will is designed to protect crop seeds such as beans, rice, and wheat against the worst cataclysms of nuclear war or disease (Doyle, 2015). Once you crack the seal, or pop the cork as the case maybe, it is easier to go back to the wine for a sip or two until the bottle is empty. The vault has more than 860,000 samples, from almost all nations and of course the seeds are stored so the world or a particular nation can recover from a catastrophe,…
The Molecular Makeup of Steel The planet Krypton, home to intellectual minds as well as technological advances, was once a strong imperialistic fortress thought to stand the test of time. In an era of expansion the Kryptonian race spread out through the stars seeking new planets upon which to settle. For 100,000 years the people of Krypton flourished using machines to reshape environments to suit their bodily needs. Eventually the Kryptonians exhausted their home planets natural resources.…
I really recommend this book to young readers like myself, it will enhance their mind with more knowledge than they ever thought, and it is such an interesting book that they are going to want to read it everywhere they go. As reported in this book, “While no one can predict uncertain events with certainty, we can at least understand certainty itself. “ (5) Probability is not just the likelihood of something happening; it provides a connection to the true, genuine, randomness that is part of…
likelihood of an event happening. The probability for any event occurring falls between 1 percent and 100 percent thus meaning that the interpreted meaning of a probability equals the subject meaning held of the probability (Grinstead et al, 1997). However, it is worth noting that the application of probability or assigning of probability to the events in the effort to gratifying the axioms of probability follows some rules or basics (Grinstead et al, 1997). One of the basics is the random…
James Phelan, is an adventure novel. This book is an adventure novel because it talks about thirteen teenagers, and how they travel around the world to find out about their destiny. The constant battles that each one has to face, is a symbol of them coming closer to what was being kept from them. They had to finish something that they never started. I would consider this book to be a good book, that deserves a 3 out of 5 rating. What I liked about the book was that the author made the book come…
Plan events that are appealing to all ages and interests. In order to maintain continuity, sisterhood and development, an association shall hold at least four meetings during the year, according to Fraternity Bylaws, Article XIV., Section 1. Consider these five easy steps to successful programming: Poll your members in the spring. • What did and didn’t work? • Do your meeting times and places work for current members? • What are other groups in the community doing? • What ideas do members…
A long, long, long time ago, approximately 3.5-39 billion years ago the very first living organisms appeared on Earth1. During the Cambrian Period/Explosion the first true diversification occurred on Earth. Prior to this point there was still no vegetation and the oceans had yet to be oxygenated. It is believed that a reduction in the oxygen depleting bacteria lead to the oxygenation of the oceans which lead to the development of hard shelled organisms and an increase in invertebrates as well as…
that what she had done that day was much like the work of an event planner. Because she had so enjoyed every moment of planning for and coordinating her grandfather’s surprise party, she decided this was the job for her. Aspiring event planners, like ChloeBeth,…
Industry research Event planning is summed up as the process of managing a project. These projects can range anywhere from a meeting to a party. In my company I would like to focus my attention on the party aspect of event planning. In Rockland and the surrounding area there is no other company competing for an event planning business and this is the perfect opportunity. The event planning industry is growing at large rates and there is a 44% increase of employment in this decade. Customers I…
(Response cannot exceed 400 words.) Angie inspired all the officer team and members with her leadership and enthusiasm. She took the initiative many times when other officers were tired from outside responsibilities. Good examples are how she jump-started the execution of events related to HIA 's action, which moved other officers to take on other organizational roles; how she created an ice cream social for the Phi Theta Kappa Awareness Week, which inspired other officers to do the same at…