The reason I chose to write about Moses is because of his Impact in the Jewish community. In all honesty, he is so great that he expands way beyond Judaism, and reaches into many other religions also. As a child Moses had probably one of the worst child hood stories I have ever heard but still he doesn’t loose faith in his God. Some may argue that he may have been chosen at birth to carry out the word of God. “One traditional story tells that when he was a child, sitting on Pharaoh's knee, Moses took the crown off of Pharaoh's head and put it on. The court magicians took this as a bad sign and demanded that he be tested: they put a brazier full of gold and a brazier full of hot coals before him to see which he would take. If Moses took the…
God uses certain people to impact many others. After reading the first twenty chapters of Exodus, it is clear that God was still living out his promise to Abraham through Moses. Moses’ lineage traces back to Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham. God placed the infant Israelite, Moses, in Pharaoh’s household, speaks to Moses, uses Moses to free the Israelites and finally taught the Israelites of God’s laws in these chapters. God’s covenant to Abraham included all of Abraham’s decedents taking over the…
"Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech— unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away" (2 Corinthians 3:12-13). We've seen how the Apostle Paul has utilized the literary device of comparison in referencing the account of Moses' experience on Mount Sinai as he stood in the presence of God to receive the Ten Commandments. As a result of Moses' encounter with God, we're told that…
Egyptian time were in this time period the king says that if you were born as a Hebrew that you must be drowned at birth. There was also slavery that was going on so they had to deal with that." People believe that Moses was not real and that in the book of Torah that the word god is not in it." (Joseph Telushkin) There was a lot of conflicts but, it is basically a life summary of Moses and how he was raised and what …
Numbers – This is the story of the journey into the wilderness. It was written 1444-1406 BC. The author for this was Moses by all accounts. This is a story that shows what happens to the Israelites after they left Egypt and because they were did not believe that God was going to keep his promise to them, they ended up in the wilderness for thirty-eight years. The book is broke down into first and second generations. Moses had twelve spies to go seek out the land Canaan, but when they came back…
The three periods of Moses’s life were as follows, Moses, born a son of a Hebrew slave rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter and later adopted by her. Moses, became a prince in Pharaoh’s palace, he later escaped to the desert of Midian as a result of killing an Egyptian. Moses married, became a shepherd and disconnected from his home and family in Egypt. While Moses tended the flock God called Moses from a burning bush and commissioned him to lead the people of Israel out of bondage. In Exodus 3:2…
The Well of Moses, sculpted and polychromed by Claus Sluter is an iconic work of art during the early Renaissance time period. The Renaissance was essentially the revival of classical art from the ancient Greek and Romans. The Well of Moses clearly demonstrates aspects of classical art rather than medieval art. The key characteristic of the work of art is the naturalism of the figures. Each figure is very individualized and each figure has their own facial expression as well as own action that…
In Exodus 33:12-16, a new side of Moses is visible where he is actively accepting his duty to be the mediator between God and His people. There is also a shift in Moses’ and God’s interaction. Moses begins taking more control of the conversation by professing his thoughts on the Israelites and how they should be lead. This shift extends to the fact that Moses is not just God’s hand picked spokesman to the people, but is now his faithful companion. In the beginning of this excerpt, Moses…
Deuteronomy 31, 32 and 34 give the account of the succession of Moses by Joshua. When Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt, he had several disagreements with God, and as such he could not enter the Promise Land. Among the disagreements included the time he broke the tablets of the Torah and God made him curve them again himself. Also, he was aging and his time of death was near. He, therefore, needed a successor who would lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land. He gathered…
Jewish philosopher, theologian and scholar, Moses Maimonides, is considered “the most influential Jewish thinker of the middle ages, and quite possibly of all time.” In contemporary society, he continues to influence Jewish adherents’ practices and way of life. Despite being the chief Rabbi of Cairo and physician to the Egyptian sultan in his time, it is his prolific rabbinic writings that have posthumously acknowledged him as the Moses of his time, “From Moses until Moses, there was none like…