It was June 23rd and the question was simple, but the outcome and consequences could be huge. “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union.” Voters had two options either, “Remain a member of the European Union” or “Leave the European Union.” One decision carries a lot more weight and much heavier outcome than the other. The Brexit vote is in, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union and the Brexiters had some “decent” ideas as to why, but the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Before we get into any real detail let’s start with the basics, so what is Brexit? Brexit is a combination of the words British and Exit. The Brexit vote took Place on June 23rd, in order to decide whether or not the United Kingdom should leave or stay with the European Union. Roughly 30 million people took part in the Brexit vote and they voted to leave the European Union. So when will…
Brexit? Is it a city? A state? Or does it refer to something else? To better understand what Brexit is, one has to go back a few years to the formation of the European Committees. These committees were developed to allow for a single trade market and a standardization of systematic laws which would help bring prosperity and stability to the then non-united European region. Eventually, in the mid-1990’s, the European Committees developed into what is now known as the European Union which would…
The implications of Brexit has been a popular topic of debate with negotiations currently underway. There are two possible approaches to Brexit commonly discussed: a soft Brexit versus a hard Brexit. The key difference between these two possible outcomes is whether or not the UK will remain a member of the EU’s single market. After separating from the EU, the most economically beneficial route would be that the UK joins the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and European Economic Area (EEA),…
In certain countries there is a complete ban (i.e. Greece and Lithuania), in fourteen countries e-cigarettes are regulated as medicinal products and in nine member states e-cigarettes are regulated as consumer products (1). The varying regulations of member states in the EU are indicative of weak intergovernmental relations. The EU seems to act like a forum of cooperation between sovereign states (3); therefore, each member state will be driven by its own interests and actions (3). If each…
Savenije and Van der Zaag (2008) note that Riparian states as well as water consumers such as groups and individuals need to realise that they and their descendants are all interdependent. Only if they do that, will they be able to abolish the individual expectation of gains and start thinking in terms of a community, where the common good of the many, in the future outweigh their own short-lived need in the now. In order to assure public greater participation in these processes, the law…
from the formation of the European Union and its creation of overarching rules amongst its member states. These overarching rules are created in competence by the member states in order to achieve ‘…objectives that they have in common.’ In order to execute these common objectives, the principle of direct effect holds each member state accountable for the laws decided as a collective through the implementation of the European Court of Justice against member states. Various articles in the…
The European Union and North American Free Trade Agreement The European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are two regional trade agreements that promote the trade of goods, people, and services across borders. Both of these regional trade agreements help their member regions reduce or eliminate trade restrictions, quotas, and tariffs. By implementing regional trade agreements, the member regions can improve their economy and promote trade growth throughout the…
The European Union is an organization wherein its structure and decision-making roots back to the concepts of spuranationalism and intergoventmentalism and the experiences it gained in the past; now it stands as effective cultural and monetary center but fail in foreign and security policy as it faces critiques. In definition supranationalism entails how the European Union is an organization that has power “above the nation”. It stands as an organization that has power independent of the…
since many of the European states were forced to reconstruct their states infrastructure literally from the ground up because it was severely damaged or completely destroyed. Finally in 1956 following a great deal of encouragement pressure from the American government six European states agreed to form a one large economic unit with an open free market as a means to rebuild their devastated states. The initial agreement established between the states of West…
It has often been said that the European Union suffers from a democratic deficit. This notion derives from the fact that prior to 1979, none of the EU institutions had directly elected members and therefore there was no democratic accountability to the citizens of the EU. It is also regularly asserted that the legislative powers at EU level are confined and dominated by executive actors, namely the Council of Ministers and the ‘unelected bureaucrats’ in the European Commission. However, this…