developed ways and methods that can be incorporated into one’s research and increase the validity and trustworthiness of their documents. Here, we will discuss two such measures that can be taken to erase the issues that are often faced by investigators of the qualitative paradigm. Credibility is a term used related to whether the researcher is able to measure or find what he initially intended to. It is also referred to as internal validity. The researcher must be able to capture what he or she wanted to learn. Several strategies have been devised and tested to further establish and strengthen the credibility of a document created through qualitative analysis. Two of the primary and most important strategies include triangulation, and member checks. TRIANGULATION: Triangulation basically involves collecting data from various sources, utilizing several data collection techniques such as interviews, as well as observations and making use of multiple analysts amongst others to ensure the information obtained is thorough and accurate over a vast range of analysis. This helps in developing a correct and in-depth understanding of the phenomenon being put under observation and results in increased credibility in the research paper. Triangulation allows the researcher to successfully find enough evidence for his or her work as he considers a vast range of possibilities through multiple sources. Having only a single data source can limit the person’s research and can cause the…
The interview processes were the primary method for collecting data. Interviews were conducted in person, recorded and then transcribed. However, the researcher also used field notes, document analysis, and the member-checking process to assist in her research. The researcher conducted ongoing field notes in an effort to eliminate personal biases and to add to her multiple qualitative research methods. She also used the member-checking process, where the participants were asked to confirm the…
Fill out the main form completely and staple any corresponding proofs of expense, such as receipts, to the form. Once filled out have Bishop sign it. Receiving When you receive a reimbursement form there are a few things to double check. Make sure that there is proof of expense, that it is signed by Bishop, and that they wrote the correct amounts on the form The most important thing to double check is that they included some kind of proof of expense with the form. The best proof of expense…
The Follow Through “How could you have messed up so badly?” My mother’s words rang in my ears. “How could you have done this? You told me everything was fine!” After all those awful months, all the work, it was all for nothing. I wasn’t going to Berklee anymore. I had originally auditioned back in February of 2014, hoping I would be starting school in the fall of the same year. When I got my acceptance letter, I was ecstatic. Happy as I may have been, I decided I would postpone my…
table. Some times it helps a lot to make one. A table is just an arrangement of rows with columns. Making a table is just one way of organizing information that you know. Below is an example of a table: Number if minutes talked Cost of phone call 1 .25 2 .43 3 .61 4 .79 5 .97 Another problem solving strategies is to use a special case. A special case is an instance of a pattern used for some definite purpose. Special cases help to test weather a property or generalization is true. The only…
seen my post has also seen me lie to them not knowing if the post was accurate or not. The post was just one person’s hoax about winning the lottery and there were tons of misinformation very similar to the one I had shared. My example about how I had mistakenly like and shared, is a great example of misinformation about how I had led someone else into a bad outcome. I couldn 't imagine how many people out of the millions are sharing the wrong information to the community. Since Facebook has…
Start out by printing out a copy of your revised paper so you will be able to make changes and write on it. Next start to go through your paper several different times and each time you go through you look for something different. Maybe the first time you look for grammar and then go through periods and commas, then missed spelled words, and overusing words. This will fix anything you might have missed you could also have someone else double check your work as well. Then go back one last time a…
books we wanted to choose. Three people choose how children succeed and two other members choose will power. This activity was challenging for the group because our professor suggested that one or two of choose a different book in order for the group to have a variety of books being read with the group. The easiest part of the challenge for the group member was when we had to explain our reasons for choosing a specific book. Reflecting- Group Relationships All the group members in the…
computers, e-mail hand not started, fax machines were slow, telephones still had cords connected to receivers, and we had to prepare our documents and letters on an ancient device called a typewriter! Fortunately, we did have help from a professional consultant who directed us on how to set up the organization, etc. We started by selecting five Area Chairmen, each of whom then enlisted Era Chairmen, who then enlisted Class Chairmen. During this process, we were able to recruit about 60…
After reviewing the data and comparing the data to those of other frontline staff, it was determined that the staff member was abusing the system in attempts to inflate their sales referral numbers. Reviewing transaction activity and member actions, in terms of products sold or sales production, it was evident this employee was not having the conversations with the members and was operating in an unethical fashion that did not meet the core values or principles supported by management or the…