are only a few requirements from the Constitution on what a member of Congress is allowed to do. For both chambers, they must adopt rules as to how their chamber will be governed. Collectively, the members keep a journal, require a quorum, and can institute a roll call vote at the demand of ⅕ of the chamber’s members. For checks and balances, they can vote on a(n): impeachment, veto override, constitutional amendments, nominations (only Senate), treaties, appropriation, and legislation. The Senate and House of Representatives are two distinct parts of Congress and, therefore, their members have different roles. However, in a broader sense, members in both parts of Congress write up legislation, represent their constituents, and mediate…
Members of Congress have many important responsibilities, one of those is to vote. Hundreds of times a year they are called upon to vote on bills, motions, and amendments. Members of Congress go through a process of information gathering, overlooking expert opinions, and considering their personal judgement before voting. Considering the amount of times Congress members vote, they have become accustomed to the particular sides to different public policy issues. No matter how well they think…
According to Arnold the logic of congressional action can be explained through examining the calculations, actions, and interactions of citizens, coalition leaders, and legislators. Arnolds theory assumes that members of Congress vigorously want to be re-elected. Henceforth since re-election is the dominant or threshold goal legislators consider this first and foremost before deciding what other legislative goals and policies to pursue. Arnold notes that Legislators decisions are partly…
Throughout the history of the United States, the roles of members of Congress have varied. In the past, members of Congress had to adequately represent their districts, act as trustees who are supposed to make decisions based on their judgment, to acting as politicians who align more with their party. Although the aforementioned roles all have benefits and detriments, it has always remained imperative that members of Congress act in the fashion that the majority of their constituents wish, as…
My members of Congress are senators Jeff Flake, John McCain and representative Andy Biggs. Characteristics that I would like to see in my representatives are that they affiliate with my political party and are in some type of minority group. However, my current representatives are the complete opposite of what I would like my representatives to hold, yet, certain issues that were highlighted in their pages are issues I do align with. The issues I agreed on with all of my representatives are…
States and most Latin American nations have congress, Great Britain and most Western European nations have parliaments. A person becomes a member of a parliament such as the British House of Commons by being nominated by party leaders, voters generally choose between parties and parliaments tend to be made up of people loyal to the national party leadership who meet to debate and vote on party issues. A person becomes a member of the United States Congress by winning both a primary and a…
The Constitution grants a members of congress three main duties. These duties are writing laws, overseeing the implementation of them, and serving the needs of the constituents. Clearly, Congress is very powerful. But not everything is so clear when it comes to congress. There are many lop holes and weird rules that play a role in lawmaking, the Congress thoroughly exercises its power to oversee the federal bureaucracy, and case work can often affect a member 's attention when it comes to…
books we wanted to choose. Three people choose how children succeed and two other members choose will power. This activity was challenging for the group because our professor suggested that one or two of choose a different book in order for the group to have a variety of books being read with the group. The easiest part of the challenge for the group member was when we had to explain our reasons for choosing a specific book. Reflecting- Group Relationships All the group members in the…
computers, e-mail hand not started, fax machines were slow, telephones still had cords connected to receivers, and we had to prepare our documents and letters on an ancient device called a typewriter! Fortunately, we did have help from a professional consultant who directed us on how to set up the organization, etc. We started by selecting five Area Chairmen, each of whom then enlisted Era Chairmen, who then enlisted Class Chairmen. During this process, we were able to recruit about 60…
After reviewing the data and comparing the data to those of other frontline staff, it was determined that the staff member was abusing the system in attempts to inflate their sales referral numbers. Reviewing transaction activity and member actions, in terms of products sold or sales production, it was evident this employee was not having the conversations with the members and was operating in an unethical fashion that did not meet the core values or principles supported by management or the…