This map of population density map of Washington D.C. allows us to directly see the areas of the city that are more populated, in the core, and the areas that are less populated, along the periphery. Unlike the most common maps of the city of Washington D.C., we can see more than just town names and highways. From the map we can see where people are living, and the roads and highways all lead to this centered dense population. This paper will not only describe this map of Washington D.C. and…
population of 30,730 as of 2011 and covered an area of approximately 9.0 square miles. It has a population density of around 3,414 people per square mile (, 2011). Grass Valley, zip code 95945, by comparison, is a historic gold mining town located one hour north of Sacramento. Its recorded population as of 2012 was 12,808 with a total of 64.23 square miles. It has a population density of 3,120 people per square mile (, 2012). Some differences between the two zip…
susceptible to developing osteoporosis, women are four times more likely to develop osteoporosis in their lifetime. Causes: Low oestrogen in women: Peak bone mass is reached around the age of 25 to 30 years, when the skeleton has stopped growing and bones are at their strongest and thickest. Oestrogen plays a vital role in maintaining bone strength. The process of bones decreasing in density…
In the United States, elderly abuse has been increasing rapidly and there are many effects of elder abuse. Some of the effects of elder abuse could be physical and psychological. These kind of abuse are really hard to identify. For instance, the abusers could hide the fact that they are abusing the elders. So, the consequences of elders abuse could be a long or short-term effects. According to Centers for Disease, physical effects is the most immediate effects. It included things such as…
Osteogenesis Imperfect is also known as the, “Brittle Bone Disease”. This is an extremely rare disease with less than twenty thousand cases a year. As of today there is no known available cure, but there are treatments available to lessen the symptoms of the disease. This is a chronic illness that can last up to a few months, to lasting a person’s entire lifetime. This is a disease that causes extreme fragility in the bones of a normal person. This could make a person’s life extremely difficult…
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) or the stone man syndrome is a disorder in which the muscle tissue and connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments are gradually replaced by bone. The extra skeletal bone formation causes the person loss of mobility as the joint become affected. Overtime the person affected with FOP has difficulty difficulties breathing, speaking, and eating. Due to their eating problem they may experience malnutrition. Signs and symptoms of FOP can be observed as…
A disease is an illness or sickness with specific, well-defined symptoms that affects a person, plant or animal. One disease in particular that affects at least 25,000 people every year in the United States is osteogenesis imperfecta. Osteogenesis imperfecta, or more commonly known as “brittle bone disease” is a rare genetic disorder characterized by bones that break easily generally from little or no apparent cause. Although some cases of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) are not as severe as…
There are measures that can be taken to reduce the chances of tearing an ACL. Proper training techniques can help change how quickly your muscles contract. This then keeps the ACL from being strained (Benedetti). It is especially important for women to perform these exercises as women are eight times more likely than men to tear an ACL (Lee, Yun, and Marty Munson.). Many medical professionals believe this to be due to women having less muscles surrounding their knees than men and because women…
Environment and Industry Analysis: Capstone Project Environment Analysis and Industry Analysis: Capstone Project Melissa C. Figueroa Grand Canyon University: BUS-485 September 2, 2012 Environment Analysis and Industry Analysis: Capstone Project The Lehigh Valley is considered the third most populated region in the state of Pennsylvania. Northampton County holds 298,476 people. The majority of the population is 89.4% of the population consisting of white persons, 10.8% consisting of…
We live in a world of relentless change. This Earth we call our home has slowing been maturing since science can prove so. It has molded itself through many tedious reproductions to give it life to live on. Our home is approximately 4.54 billion years old (Sarfati 8); however, with the lifestyle that the human race has allowed itself to live, we have left unmistakable damage to the planet. We are now approaching an era that can possibly be a very difficult one. Earth has conducted a diverse…