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    We see the first chapter of The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien to be the foundation for the rest of the novel, with exquisite descriptions of everyone and everything, to the foreshadowing and symbolism that embodies each character and “what they carry”. O’Brien offers us basic descriptions of what each member of Alpha Company carries that is described as “largely determined by necessity” (2). Some would carry knives, extra rations and what seemed like an overkill of supplies, while others would only carry what was absolutely vital. There is one character that we learn little about in the begging chapter, Norman Bowker. He is only talked about a few times in the chapter and only carries two things, a diary and the thumb of a small, defenseless, long dead North Vietnamese soldier. These things would come to define him as we delve deeper into his post war life and the haunting emotions that follow him much like the dark tokens he keeps from the battlefield. Norman Bowker is a man like any of the other fine men of Alpha Company, but like everyone else he would be changed by the tragic events and things he does in Vietnam. Speaking of courage where we learn the background and post war story of Norman Bowker, who has returned home from the Vietnam War. As Bowker circles the towns "cause of existence” (132) he comes to realize that the town that he left so many years ago will never be the same. While his life was paused by the war, theirs were not. He also comes to understand…

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    Great Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Everyone deals with certain types of situations in his or her own way. A person’s emotions and actions could also affect how he or she deals with their problems. In The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien explains how the soldier’s emotions get the best of a person. Someone could also deal with their problems in a negative way. They could deal with their issues without help, which might make the situation even worse and may cause bigger problems. Someone might not know how to deal with a situation…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    From 1955 to 1975, American soldiers were fighting a war in Vietnam. During this time Marine Lieutenant Philip Caputo landed at Da Nang with the first ground combat unit deployed to Vietnam. Months later, having served on the line in one of history’s ugliest wars, he returned home. Physically whole but emotionally impacted, his adolescent beliefs forever gone. In his book, A Rumor Of War, Philip Caputo offers an insightful analysis regarding the psychological damages a soldier faces post-war.…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Composition II Essay Outline “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien, is short story is about the soldiers during The Vietnam war and their struggles to maintain their lives. The author talks about how that their mental burdens they carry outweigh the physical burdens that those in war must carry. (O’Brien 1-12). In the story the narrator states, "They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing--these were intangibles, but the intangibles had their own…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Introduction A veteran comes back from the war in Vietnam. Some people thank him for his services and some people dishonor him for what he did in the war. Veterans go through so much during the war and has to go to a center to help them with their PTSD. Many people treat veterans with disrespect because of what they did during their time in combat. Returning veterans or people get treated with either honor, mental help, or with disrespect but mostly disrespect and mental help. Odysseus has a…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Tim O’Brien’s story, “The Things They Carry” published in 1990, centers on a group of soldiers in the Vietnam War. The soldiers are under the responsibility of Lieutenant Jimmy Cross. With Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, he carries his love for Martha and it distracts him from his duty. In the end, he tries to forget Martha because he thinks it is his fault the Ted Lavender dies. Each soldier carries something different from each other and the story revels to as to why. Respectively, each soldier…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    In “The Things They Carried”, we are presented with a story about a group of military men during the Vietnam War. The story is told by an unnamed narrator, from a third-person subjective (limited omniscient) point of view. While the story goes on to describe what each of the characters carried during their missions in Vietnam. The author focuses mainly on the emotional dilemma of the group’s lieutenant ,Jimmy Cross, and the effect it has on his group. Being that the conflict is an emotional…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    War changes a person from who they used to be because of the danger and risk to life that they must face every day to survive. In The Things They Carried, by Tim O’Brien, we hear some of the harrowing stories of being a soldier in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam war was the longest war in American History, killing an estimated 60,000 United States soldiers and nearly 2 million Vietnamese. Tim O’Brien served as a foot soldier on the battlefront in Vietnam and lived to write about his experiences…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    When stuck between fighting and fleeing, it can become difficult to choose. This is the main theme of the story “On The Rainy River”, written by Tim O’Brien, which recalls the events and struggles from when he was drafted to fight in the Vietnam War. Applying a biographical lens to Tim O’Brien’s “On The Rainy River” reveals the relationship between how the narrator’s story can relate to Tim O’Brien’s life. You can clearly see the similarities between his views on the war and his conclusion to…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    The Things They Carried is a novel written by Tim O’Brien that consists of multiple short stories that occurred around the time of the Vietnam War. The short stories within the book revolve around their struggles and hardships that Tim O’Brien’s platoon experienced during the war. In the book The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien tells stories of Martha, Mary Anne, and Linda in order to show how women were used as coping devices for soldiers during the war. Their stories as a whole help develop…

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