lipsticks aren’t as much as you would think they are, they’re a lot more. Lip kits are advertised as $29, alright so $30 for a lipstick and liner, right? No, wrong. Shipping is an additional $8.99, which in my opinion is pathetic. I mean, it’s Kylie Jenner, making millions a year you would think she has some money to spare. So beware, before you pull…
Vaccination can save children’s life because, diseases killed thousands of children, polio was once Americas most feared disease, and thanks to vaccination there, are no signs of polio in the U.S. Vaccination should be mandatory for children because it’s easier for children because it’s easier for them to get sick. For example, a boy/girl that is sick coughs on his/her hand, shakes his/her best friend’s hand and his/her best friend eats with the same hand his/her sick friend shook. So now he/she…
Physicians and other health care professionals had to come up with a cure to save millions of lives during that time of crisis with very little resources and technology. Edward Jenner, a well-known English doctor, saved the world from small pox when he discovered a vaccination that stamped out obtaining the evil illness. Jenner used his strong observation expertise to watch…
parent’s right whether they vaccinate or not. Many nearly eradicated diseases are making a comeback with anti-vaccine activists pushing uninformed parents to question doctors and no longer vaccinate their children. The first vaccine was created by Edward Jenner who made a smallpox vaccine and many others have been developed after Jenner’s. (Fee and Roth 1217). Today children are recommended to be given vaccines to protect against Hepatitis B, Haemophilus…
Today smallpox is an eradicated disease. However, fears of the disease still exist. In 2014 vials of smallpox were discovered in a refrigerator at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland. There are also fears that smallpox could return as biological weapon used by terrorists Following eradication only two nations were allowed to keep samples of smallpox. The Centers For Disease control in the United States has samples of the disease. The Soviet Union and later Russia also retained…
Vaccines are widely known as one of the most prominent, public health mechanisms ever invented. Despite the popular belief that vaccines are extremely beneficial for children that receive them, anti-vaccinationists claim that some vaccines correlate with the neurological disorder autism. There have been two controversial claims trying to relate childhood vaccinations to autism. Both claims presented can seem convincing at first but can easily be found falsifiable upon research. To fully…
immunization through the inclusion of a pathogen in the human body, that is weakened to ensure that the body reacts by producing antibodies against the disease that you want to prevent. This revolutionary method was discovered by British doctor Edward Jenner in 1796, who found out that by inoculating people with the cowpox virus they were also protected from the smallpox virus and that the immunity could be passed from one person to another. I have to stress that the World Health…
remarked that those who have succumbed to the disease before, will be immune to it at a later time. Administration of the infective agent was perceived to have expressed some possible immunity in those who were in good health. English physician Edward Jenner happened to be in a countryside where milkmaids became infected with cowpox. Cowpox is alike to smallpox, only it is an innocuous disease. People then believed that whoever was to come down with cowpox are…
This primary source document, written by Al-Razi, offers insight about the context of Smallpox. The source reflects a commentary on Galen’s influence and offers summaries composed in a book of additional input to the material discussed. Also, it appears that the source could have easily been encompassed in a medical encyclopedia. Likewise, the source resembles a treatise in a book. The primary source has two main purposes: to portray the causes of Smallpox and the method of spreading Smallpox.…
The Daruma, or Dharma, is seen as the father of Zen Buddhism, which is who is represented in the Daruma dolls. These dolls were first developed in in Japan during the Edo period, 1615-1868, and are colored primarily red. This color was chosen due to the folklore that the smallpox god enjoyed it. Red is now not only recognized as a smallpox protection but also functions as a general illness protection, specifically in relation to the Daruma doll itself. Another belief involving red is that those…