The First Woman CEO Katherine Graham is known as one of the most influential women ever in business. She was the first woman CEO in the U.S. taking over the position at the Washington Post previously held by her husband. Graham, however, is most known for her outstanding coverage of the Watergate scandal. This leadership she showed in these two aspects of her career, gave many other women the courage to pursue careers outside of being a housewife. Katherine Graham was so influential in fact, she was inducted in the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Graham’s decisions to publish the Pentagon Papers, after the New York Times had been court ordered not to do so, and to proceed with the Watergate investigation earned her a reputation as a courageous,…
On June 16, 1917 in New York City, Katharine Graham was born. Coming from two successful parents, her father Eugene Meyer and Agnes Elizabeth Meyer, it seemed that she was destined to be a hard working and accomplished young women in the city of opportunity. Katharine Graham ended up being an incredibly influential woman in the field of journalism and women’s rights and will be remembered of her accomplishments for many years to come. She is a wonderful role model for young girls and hopeful…
Orville and Wilbur Wright- also known as the Wright Brothers, were most famous for the invention of the gas-powered aircraft. In History, they have become the inventors of the first successful airplane. This also earned them the honor of being first in flight. Although there were creators of airplanes before them, the other inventors didn’t create them with the same ideas. They invented different types of aircraft, trying to perfect them. A good question to ask is, did these brothers know their…
Women in Aviation:Katharine Wright Katharine’s Childhood and Family “Katharine Wright was conceived at the Wright home at 7 Hawthorn Road, Dayton, Ohio on August 19, 1874 - her sibling Orville's third birthday. She was the youngest child of Milton and Susan Wright and the only girl to survive. (Her sister Ida died in early stages of life.) Like all the Wright kids, she had no middle name - her dad asserted that he gave his children particular first names so they wouldn't need center names.…
“No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris…[because] no known motor can run at the requisite speed for four days without stopping.” -Orville Wright One thing that I found interesting about this quote is the fact that it came in 1909, which was about 6 years after the Wright Brothers’ original flights, which were considered very successful at that time. I think Orville Wright said this because he falsely assumed that airplanes would never go faster than they did at that time. Of…
The Wright brothers had one heck of a life. They are two guys that will forever be remembered for their ideas and old techniques. They had a dream that they stuck with through all the failures and soon came to be the most used advance technology used today. Both of the brothers were drop outs who choose ideas over school. They made a huge impact on the world today and will always be the "fathers of aviation." If it was not for the brothers, the U.S. would be different. We might 've lost some…
Why does God let the earthquake in Haiti happened? I think about it all the time and that I still cannot realize the explanation why God let it happened. This earthquake modified the entire country and alter many of us lives. I’m one amongst the individuals whose life I have been modified when the earthquake. it had been January twelfth on the evening, I was playing soccer with a number of my friends, we tend to were having fun, however when a few minutes of enjoying we tend to felt just like…
My life during third grade was like many other children. I would go to school Monday thru Friday and come home every day and complete my homework and then spend time with friends, watching TV, or playing in my room. Every Friday that I would come home from school and have my piano lesson and then relax. That was everyday routine, but one cold Friday afternoon changed my routine for the rest of my life. On a cold Friday in the middle of February, I returned home from school and expected to have…
2.7 - Case Analysis: Glenn Curtiss Adeel Azeem Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract Glenn Curtiss, was a one of the pioneer in the field of aviation. He achieved remarkable accomplishments in his life. He loved the field of mechanic's and started as an engine maker for bicycle but his passion was so high that he became an aircraft maker. Curtiss, was the man, who took first officially documented flight. At the time when nobody was ready to take a flight from Albany to Manhattan,…
The historical actions and invention by the Wright brothers will forever change the way humans travel across water. The Problem-solving strategies invention of a contraption that was heavier than air but could fly was very intriguing to Gary Bradshaw. Bradshaw’s main focus question was “how the Wright brothers solved the problem of creating a heavier-than-air flying machine when so many others have failed”(Bernstein 2014). The reason this certain question held his focus was the shocking news of…