What makes a person an American? For many people America is a symbol of freedom. This freedom that Americans contain really is at the core of what makes them American. “And the American people are the greatest people in the world. What makes America the greatest nation in the world is the heart of the American people: hardworking, innovative, risk-taking, God- loving, family-oriented American people.” As Romney said people are allowed to have their own religion, take risks, and they are really hard working, all of this comes from their freedom. Many people look up to Americans because of the qualities that they possess, and the opportunities that they are able to have. Americans are seen as being hard working, responsible, and happy. We as Americans have so many great opportunities that people in other countries do not get. This can be shown simply by the low level of poverty that exists in the U.S. compared to other countries that are not as fortunate. As Americans people are given the chance to get an education, choose our own religion, and choose our careers. These opportunities are things that many are starting to take for granted. Younger generations are becoming lazy and complaining because they have forgotten just how lucky and fortunate they are. This is changing the way other countries are looking at Americans, and it is really changing the definition of what makes someone and American. What makes someone and American can be defined in three ways: legally, what it…
Beronica Llamas, 52 years old, born in Guajajara, Mexico. She is currently a resident Tucson, AZ. She works for and attends Pima Community College. A devoted wife and a mother of three. Her son’s names are Martin, Ignacio, and Michael. Her pilgrimage to the United States has been a major transition that has affected the family. Before this transition, she was working for the city of Guajajara, at the University of Guajajara, as a secretary. Her husband, Ignacio was searching for work and…
Seeing my dad behind bars for something he did not commit was surreal. What was going to be a family vacation in Mexico turned into a nightmare. The smoke coming out the cars blocked the view as we tried to figure out who was in the other car. When opening the car doors, blood dripped everywhere. My heart sunk. The difference between the sweat running through me had no exact justification, was it because of the immense heat or was I that hysterical. Sirens could be heard throughout the whole…
My Vision for America My vision for America to have higher morals, higher goals, and more respect. America is the land of the free, home of the brave. However, if we do not hold the very fabric of progression within ourselves, then how can we have a vision for our country? Every day there is more violence, more failure, and less reverence in and toward this great nation. If we work toward bettering ourselves, we can make America’s future brighter and beneficial to all. Every day in America…
It is a simple calculation. Out of one million qualified applicants of this lottery only ten thousand will win. Every year the United States of America gives the opportunity to other to win and be a part of the American dream. This lottery is applied to people who live in Asia, Middle East, and Africa. One things you have to know is the winners will not get a money prize. It is one in a life time opportunity, also known as Diversity Visa (DV). This worth is more than money; it includes life…
Living in the “land of opportunity” allows you to control your life and became the success you to control your life and become the success you have always wanted to be. The american dream incorporates everything from freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available for every american. Through the use of the american education system, the rights given to us from the Declaration of Independence, and the motivation for success, anyone in america can reach the american dream.…
Al Capone once said, “This American system of ours, call it Americanism, call it capitalism, call it what you will, gives each and every one of us a great opportunity if we only seize it with both hands and make the most of it.” This is what makes America great and is the vision I have for America. My vision of America is one where anyone that works hard and does their best can achieve success. America is a land of opportunity and freedom where men and women of our military have fought and…
When the immigrabts came ti the u.s., it was to change there lives and leave the past behind, some had good reasons to leave and some just wanted to escape from there govermnent. Coming here not knowing any english at all is bad enough but whats worse is racism and not being accepted in a place by other people. It makes you feel very uncomfortable and its not right. Some people come here and become so successful that know one can say a word to them, because they believed in them selves and cane…
In order for a seed to grow into a thriving plant, it must receive the proper amount of nutrients, water, and sunlight. If a seed does not receive these necessities, it completely stops growing and dies. This is akin to the pursuit of the American Dream. Individuals argue whether this dream includes economic opportunity, personal liberty, civil rights, or even two and a half children, but these are merely tools for achieving the true definition of the American Dream: happiness. While it may seem…
Within Damon Darlin's America Needs Its Own Emojis his point of emojis not catering to American ways and phrases is absolutely ridiculous. Expecting another culture/society to change the basis of their product when it is so mass marketed is too much of an unnecessary change and the company should not be expected to make it. Completely redefining something to fit another place specifically makes no sense. Darlin's argument that emojis should cater to American ways is an idiotic notion. Emojis are…