Recently, we had a policy added to our education system of “leave no child behind.” In this, it gives everyone a chance at an education no matter how slow or fast paced he/she learns. Some citizens may believe this could hinder our country, having lower test grades than other countries such as China (Source A). However, this policy benefits the nation as a whole. In order for our country to provide opportunity to everyone from children to adults to immigrants, a chance must be provided for everyone. The first step to success is to have a High School Diploma, and to receive a degree. This has and will always be a major influence on one’s career and lifestyle. …show more content…
This is the backbone of our rights as citizens and how our country is ran. People may argue that with an increase in policies and laws that we are straying away from our original foundation, such as a rumor of new gun law restrictions going against one of our first rights, “the right to bear arms,” (Source B). However, the laws being put in place only ensure economic and government security and equality. In our day to day lives, we can still make a choice on whether or not to follow our passions. Just like in the Declaration of Independence, where we have the power to have “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,” (Source