According to our book, Abnormal Psychology Clinical and Scientific Perspectives states, “The main features of histrionic personality disorder concern excessive emotionality and attention seeking.” I believe this case study of Ms. Fuentes provided evidence that one could infer that she desired attention with some type of motif. For instance, Ms. Fuentes expressed shallow emotions, saying she had felt abandon by her neurosurgeon and eventually broke down and cried after telling her story about her fall. In addition, she stated that her suicidal comments were “no big deal” and the comments were only to get revenge on her husband to teach him a lesson. She laughed then said, “Oh wow” and concluded with a nonchalant statement. I believe those behaviors relate to the DSM-5 Histrionic Personality disorder criteria including: rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions, her behavior mimics a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking detail. Lastly, she shows self-dramatization.…
Although she does express some symptoms of a disorder, in class we discussed that everyone will show signs and symptoms of having an irregularity, but just having that does not justify a diagnosis. There are many instances throughout the movie where as a student in an abnormal psychology class would simply just state that there is an irregularity in Susanne but not necessarily a disorder. One example where she does not express the disorders symptoms is when she has just learned that her…
revealed that Leia has a twin brother, Luke, which she was able to sense through the Force. Both she and her brother inherited the Force from their Jedi father Anakin Skywalker. She later discovers that her mother died after giving birth and her father has morphed into the notorious villain Darth Vader. Discovering this quantity of untold truths in a person’s life can be very traumatizing, triggering a personality disorder. Such is the case for Princess…
any other, histrionic personality disorder. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (“Histrionic” 667), histrionic personality disorder is “A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by...the following…” (“Histrionic” 667.) Some of the symptoms listed are attention seeking, acting over dramatic, and having rapidly changing emotions. Throughout the…
and Solutions to Personality Disorders Personality disorders are diagnosed in persons who do not play by societies rules and the people who have these disorders tend to take advantage of others. Harvard Health publications (2013) informs us that a person with a personality disorder has “a longstanding pattern of behavior and experience that impairs functioning and causes distress”. The personality disorders are commonly referred to as Cluster B personality disorders. The common personality…
Personality Disorder: Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) Personality disorders can influence social functioning. There are three types of personality disorders; avoidant personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. A person with antisocial personality disorder is also known as a sociopath or psychopath. Psychologist or psychiatrists diagnose many serial killers as possessing…
intelligent and showed very few signs of psychopathy in early life. There are factors that lead to a classification of High Factor 1 Psychopath, some of them include; pathological lying, lack of remorse, failure to accept responsibility, and lack of empathy (SOURCE 2). b. Antisocial personality disorder, yes or no? Yes, Ted Bundy was diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder, the label name for ASPD is psychopathy. People who have this disorder live in the present and act as if the social…
Toy Story is a movie that takes place in many different settings and environments. We start with a young child, Andy who has many different toys, which are differentiated by their personalities. The significance of the different settings is that they bring out the true personalities of the toys in the movie, whether it was in Andy’s room or out in the “real” world. Depending on the environment they are in, some of the toys show kindness and leadership, others shyness and anger. Andy started with…
Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper) is a man diagnosed with bi-polar disorder who has just been checked out of a mental institution. His road to recovery is extremely tough until he meets Tiffany Maxwell (Jennifer Lawrence) who is suffering from depression along with self-destructive promiscuity. Through a mutual agreement, they both indirectly start to help each other address their issues. They set a goal, a dance competition, and take baby steps to achieve that and ultimately bring closure to both…
Faye Dunaway’s portrayal of Joan Crawford in the movie Mommy Dearest (1981) exhibits many of the characteristics of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Her character also seems to suffer from antisocial narcissistic behaviors as well as histrionic personality and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. These disorders often occur together and are closely related mental health diagnoses, which result in a disruption in self-image, relationships and regulation or control of emotions (Life…