There are many Hindu beliefs and principles that make up the Hindu religion as a whole. I chose the Hindu beliefs that I believe are most important to Hinduism. One of the beliefs that I chose is Meditation. Meditation, in my opinion, is one of the most important aspects of hinduism because it is used to center yourself, and help you focus, which overall leads to a better life for Hindu people. Another Hindu belief that I chose was reincarnation, the reason I chose this is because Reincarnation is because it is likely one of the most known Hindu practices, and plays an important role in Hinduism. For example, people who believe in reincarnation are more likely to lead good lives because they want to be reincarnated into the body of someone…
Flowers and colorful, patterned cloth adorn the large bronze statue, the many hands of the Hindu god tinted with pigment. At the feet or base of the shining awe-inducing god, lies a rainbow of food and gifts. Images of yellow, green, red, blue, and purple, plants, animals and gods are splashed and slapped on the walls, red lentil paste splattered over top of them in thick layers. The largest painting is of Shiva and Parvati together, both holding their palms out while standing on a giant…
The Hindu theme that I chose to write about is karma. “The word comes from the root the means “to do” and implies the notion of moral consequences that are carried along with every act” (Molloy, 2010. P. 87). Another term that I hear that relate well with karma is that, you reap what you sow. I’m not of the Hindu religion, but I do believe that karma does come back around to you for the wrong that you do in your life. Therefore, I live by the Golden Rule, “do unto to others as you word have them…
The Triad Hindu Temple is a community of like-minded Hindu believers seeking to achieve their life in a spiritual manner. The appearance on the outside may not coincide with other Hindu temples as it looks more like a regular building with little decoration on the walls but the interior contains many statues of the different gods and goddesses they worship. In the center of room contains a big altar which are used for offerings and worship and allows a large number of people to come and pray.…
Hindu is a pagan religion espoused by the people of India and Nepal, was formed through a long march from the fifth century BC to the present. It is a religion of spiritual and moral values as well as legal and regulatory principles taken several gods, according to related works, for every area of the god, and every act or phenomenon there a God for it. There is no specific founder for Hindu religion and most of their books they don’t know who the authors, the religion as well as the books have…
With the emergence of Bhaktism in South Asia, Hindus started to show their love for Hindu deities through poetry and other forms of art. Bhakti is an intense emotional love for a personal god. It favors an immediate experience of the divine. This trend leads to the creation of major Hindu devotional groups: Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism. All three major groups are unified within the realm of bhakti/devotion; however, each group is distinguishable through their belief system, traditions,…
Coming to mythology, India was a country of Hindus once and it’s known as Hinustan, so their mythology is simply known as Hindu Mythology. Later due to migration, many mythologies can be seen in India. Like Greek Mythology, Hindu Mythology has a remarkable place in the world’s civilization and culture. Greek mythology and Hindu mythology both have many similar qualities but they are only different by their place and names. At present, India is a country with many mythologies of the world due to…
of a summer music camp and Hindu temple I have acquired perspectives that have impacted me as a teacher permanently. As someone who grew up in the rural towns of Zephyrhills and Lake Alfred, Fl I did not have much more than a simple Southern-Baptist childhood. I was homeschooled until middle…
form, in hopes to gain nirvana to Brahman (Humanities I, 74). Karma can be altered through natural and moral decisions and actions. Hinduism teaches morality of the soul, but not individual or personal morality. This has to do with the gradual rejection of the material world, as personality is part of the illusion and gets in the way of gaining the unity that many Hindu’s seek(Humanities I, 73). Through the belief of reincarnation, the soul of an individual who did not reach the goal of…
further degradation of western culture in India, claiming that they are losing their heritage and that western culture is ruining India. On the other side, modern women in India are trying to earn a voice for themselves and they feel that becoming Miss India will give them access to the power and recognition that many modernized Indian women strive for. The Documentary discusses the problems women face with the Indian Taliban, a group that abuse, beat, and torment women in India that commit acts…