The original Buddha was a guy named Siddhartha Gautama. He is thought to have lived in the 6th century B.C. He was a prince of a region that is now Nepal. Since he was a prince he lived a life that was easy and was never in need. He lived a life completely secluded from the outside world and knew nothing about suffering. That is until he was about 29 years old and left home and saw what the world was like. He saw suffering, death, and poverty; after witnessing this he left his wife and newborn and all of his life of luxury to try and find a way to end all that he witnessed. He tried many other religions and teachers of them but never found anything that he was looking for. Then in a moment he realized the way to accomplish what he was searching for. A little girl offered him some rice and he took it. He realized that complete asceticism wasn’t the way to end suffering but actually the way to end suffering was in between asceticism and luxury. He called it the middle way. He reached enlightenment that night when he was 35. He found what he was looking for in just six years. He then began going around and preaching Dharma until he died. Basic teachings of Buddhism When it comes to Buddhist teachings there is quite a bit of information…
a while, so I apologize in advance Thank you Jacklyn Exploring World Religions Workbook Answers Unit 6: The Buddha, His Experience and His Backgrounds 1. Why Gautama is called the Buddha a. Read b. Siddhartha Gautama was born around 563 B.C. in India, he was the heir to a throne, and however at the age of twenty-nine he deserted it. His father, King Suddhodana, who was the leader of a large clan called the Shakya. His mother, Queen Maya, died shortly after his birth. Siddhartha was the…
in everyday life. One of these interesting aspects was through Siddhartha Gautama, “the Buddha,” in which we need to look inward on ourselves to find true meaning. This aspect is shown in the ten stages of the zen oxherding pictures, which are shown below. To fully understand what is being depicted in these pictures, a small background of the Buddha needs to be known. The Buddha, whose real name is Siddhartha Gautama was born into a rich family that gave him everything to make him happy. His…
Compare the message and spirit behind the Sermon on the Mount with that of the Buddha’s first sermon, “Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Law” (source 16.) Which strike you as more pronounced, their differences or similarities? What do you conclude from your answer? In comparing the two messages, one would find that both are extremely similar. In both messages, the prophets are preaching a message and it is being conveyed to an audience about how to conduct one's self in order to reach either…
Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He was an Indian prince that was kept away from the outside world because his father feared that Siddhartha would not become the next great ruler. Eventually he got out of his isolation and saw the suffering of the people. Once he saw the pain of the people, he left his wife and family to live an ascetic life. (“Siddhartha Gautama Becomes the Buddha: c. 500 bce."). The Bhiksus were the monks that taught others the religion of Buddhism. They were a…
The Buddha was a man whose own efforts led him to enlightenment. The Buddhist religion is based on the life and teaching of the Indian sage Siddhartha Gautama, the Enlightened One. Buddhists believe that individuals can overcome the misery of the world and reach their own Buddha status by a process of mental and moral purification. “The term Buddha applies to every individual who attains this state [of enlighten]” (___ 66). Although Siddhartha Gautama is the man most commonly known and referred…
achieving a state void of suffering, known as Nirvana. It was founded in India about 2,500 years ago by Siddhartha Gautama, a Nepali prince. Gautama lived a sheltered life, and was thus oblivious to the suffering around him. However, hardships were revealed to him when he encountered an elderly, frail man, a depressed man suffering from disease, and a family grieving the death of a loved one. Once Gautama was exposed to the poor conditions of living outside of his palace, he was inspired to…
Although Mahayana Buddhist believe in some sort of divine grace and the story of Siddhartha mentions gods, the teachings of Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, and the Eightfold Path steer Buddhism away from a god centered religion towards a human centered religion. In Mahayana Buddhism, they do believe that Buddha is divine in some way. According to Smith, “Mahayanist added supplication, petition, and calling in the name of the Buddha for spiritual strength” to their types of prayer. The act of…
that Siddhartha Gautama and Socrates, the unquestionably eminent diplomats of two philosophies socially adopted to be slightly distinct, are also especially related in concept. Regardless of the detail that the two philosophers were of different origin, existed in separate periods, led diverging lives, they seem to have in common their interest for the Universal Truth, and related beliefs. 1. What is your point of view? I believe Socrates and Plato are the most related to the Buddha in both,…
Buddhism is a global religion with intricate system of beliefs primarily based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. The main goal of Buddhism is to attain the sublime state of Nirvana by practicing the Noble Eightfold Path. Buddhism emphasizes human suffering and seeks to end it by ridding ignorance and craving by understanding the Four Noble Truths. Buddhists also believe in karma and a cycle of rebirth. Also known as Gautama Buddha or Shakyamuni, Siddhartha Gautama is the oracle and…